The day off

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Do you know the feeling when you haven't quite fully woken up yet, but you get that drowsy happy feeling knowing it's going to be a good day? That's exactly how I felt. We both took the day off today to relax, our children would be coming home from another year at Hogwarts, and this evening both of our parents would join us for a family dinner. Today is going to be a good day.

I was lingering in my thoughts about the day ahead of us, when I felt my husband giving me tender kisses all over my neck and collarbone. Loving the tingling feeling, I turned around to meet his stormy grey eyes. "Well good morning to you too" I whispered. "Good morning, love" he answered me in his husky morning voice. Merlin, I could never get over the feeling of him calling me 'love', and we've been married for 18 years for crying out loud! Every single time he calls me that, I feel as if it's the first time, like the giddy, love struck 18-year-old I was. I love it. And I love him. So bloody much.

Smiling, I gave him a quick peck on the lips. He, however, started pouting when I pulled away, obviously not content with just a peck. "Not good enough for you, Mr Malfoy?" I asked, only slightly teasing him. "Nah ah" he managed to murmur before kissing me passionately. When we both had to pull away to catch our breaths, he had that trademark smirk on his lips, the one somehow only Malfoys knew how to master. "Much better" he moaned satisfied. He pecked my cheek, before getting up to get ready for another busy day at work.

"You know... you'd think someone would remember when they intentionally took the day off to spend it with his family..." I semi asked / stated as he was picking out another suit for work. "That's today already?" he asked me. I nodded, chuckling at the fact that he could be so forgetful, yet run a chain of hotels around the world with his best friend without a single problem. "So wait, the kids are coming home today as well then?" It really was quite funny to see the look on his face when it all started to dawn on him. "Well, in that case, Mrs Malfoy, we" he started, throwing his clothes back where they came from, "are not leaving this bed until we absolutely have to".

He climbed on top of me and kissed me with such passion that instantly caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. It didn't take long before his hands started to roam my body and moans could be heard from the both of us. I pulled away from the kiss to catch my breath, but his lips never left my body. He put kisses all over, down to my neck until they met his t-shirt I was wearing. I pulled him back up, connecting our lips again. Not long after though, he tucks on the hems of my shirt and pulls it over my head in one swift move, only parting our lips for a few seconds before he crashed them on mine again, this time full of lust.

Up until 4 pm or so, staying true to Draco's words, we spend the entire day enjoying each other like we were horny teenagers again and without a care or duty in the world. Since our children would be arriving back in London at 17h30, we started getting ready, only to get distracted again in the shower. It almost made us late to picking up Scorp, Cassie and Ava from Platform 9 ¾. Almost.
Upon arriving at the platform, I remembered I hadn't told Draco yet that both of our parents would come over for dinner tonight. They were all too excited to see their grandchildren again. Plus we had something to celebrate! Cassie and Scorp just graduated Hogwarts!

Merlin, how time flies when you're having fun. It really seems only yesterday when that was us, excited about what the world would bring us, along with our best friends. The fact that it only seems like yesterday may have something to do with the fact that we would, quite often actually, still act like the hormonal teenagers that we were when we first started dating, but that's something both Draco and I would deny categorically every time someone brought it up (even though we both knew they were as right as can be). I just can't help the fact that I'm still as in love with him as I was about twenty years ago.

I must have zoned out a bit because Draco elbowed me softly, trying to get my mind back to reality. He pulled me over to our friends, the Potters, Zabinis, Notts and Weasleys, and just as we hugged and kissed each other hello, the old familiar scarlet train puffed its way into the station. Excited chatter could be heard all over and all around children were trying to find their parents and vice versa. Some of them had nervous or scared looks on their faces until they finally found each other, while others were too busy talking to their friends to even notice that they were at the platform already. Our children definitely belonged to the latter. We just had to listen for the loudest of all Hogwarts' students to find them.

Hearing some familiar voices and laughs, we all turned our heads in the same direction, figuring that's where our children were. As if on cue, they made their way over to us through the thick crowd of people that moved aside for them, chattering enthusiastically as If they haven't seen each other in years. There was Scorp talking to Fred Weasley and James Potter, who had his arm draped over Cassies shoulder while she was chattering about with her best friends Isabelle Zabini and Lucy Nott. Behind them were the youngest of the clan, Lily Potter and Ava, followed by Albus Potter, William Nott, Lucas Zabini and Oliver Weasley. Somehow at least two of us managed to get pregnant around the same time, one might think we arranged for it to happen like that. Scorp, Cassie, Fred, James, Isabelle and Lucy all just graduated Hogwarts, Albus, William, Lucas and Oliver are going into their 6th year and Lily and Ava are going into their second year.

They were all the best of friends seeing they practically grew up as one big family. They were also quite protective over the two youngest ones as if they were both all of their actual little sisters. Even now, when walking up to us they would make sure that someone always had their eyes on the two girls. I also noticed all of them still wore the bracelets Ave and Lily once braided for all of us one Christmas, as a token of being family.

Ava and Lily were the first ones to see that we were standing in front of them, and made a run for it to hug us. With that they surprised the others who were too caught up in their conversations to notice where exactly it was they were walking towards. A chorus of 'mum' and 'dad' shouts erupted and we all hugged our own children first before hugging the rest of the lot. We were quickly consumed in conversations about their year and what trouble they managed to get into before I remembered our parents would be at our place within this and 15 minutes.

"Shit, Draco, dinner with our parents!" I tried whisper-shouting at my husband but failing miserably since everybody heard my attempt and started laughing. Thankfully Ginny quickly pitched in, saying they should be heading home as well. We all started saying our goodbyes to each other and James pulled Cassie in for a last kiss, since they wouldn't be seeing each other every day anymore like they did at Hogwarts. Scorp started making rather loud puking noises, trying to get one of his best friends to stop kissing his twin sister.

They broke apart and James complained to his girlfriend, "You'd really think he'd get used to it after two years you know, even your dad did!". Everyone started to chuckle and Fred patted James on the shoulder "Mate, don't get your hopes up, my dad still can't stand it when your dad kisses your mum in front of him, and they're married!" to which everyone started to laugh. Ron just shrugged.

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