Reunion Day 2 - Rekindled memories

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It's the second day of the reunion already, and right now mum and I are working in one of the conference rooms and later today we'll join the rest of the family into the city. "Hey mum, I got to talking about fashion and LGH with Britt last night, and apparently she's as much into fashion as I am, if not more! She's even following a fashion education, I think that's what it's called? Muggles are seriously cool! I mean an education where everything you learn has something to do with fashion and its industry, how awesome is that?! ... Oh and I may or may not have offered to give her a tour through the LGH building after the reunion.. hope that's okay?" "Of course it is honey. You two seem to be getting along quite well, huh?" mum noticed. "Yeah she's really nice, I think she'd really fit in with the family as well! Oh and she and Fred would just be the cutest, it's like they are made for each other!". "Always the matchmaker, aren't you? They haven't even met each other and you already know they are a match made in heaven? How?" mum laughed. "I love love, I know it when I see it." "Again, they haven't met each other." "Not, yet, but you'll see!" I smiled at my mum. I know I have a history of wanting to play matchmaker for people who weren't even in the slightest attracted to each other, but this time I'm sure I'm right, you just wait and see.

The afternoon went by just as quickly as it had arrived, and we're trying to decide on where we're going to eat. Emphasis on the trying. The Fake Five and Melissa had left the moment they got the chance to, so we, the fun part of the family, had spent the day strolling around the city, shopping, visiting the Big Ben and going on the London Eye, and stuff like that and just getting to know each other a bit more. Apparently, Dean, father of two of the Fake Five, is nothing like his wife or daughters at all! He, grandpa and his other brother, John, have practically spent the entire day laughing and rekindling memories of the olden days. How they ever did not speak to each other is a mystery to me, well no scratch that. I'm just guessing here but I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with Melissa and Courtney.

Since it's quite impossible to find a place to eat for nineteen without reservation, we decided to head back to the hotel and eat there. James, Harry, Narcissa and Lucius will meet us back there as well, they had to work this afternoon. Apparently grams and gramps have taken over the organisation of the ball from Blaise, so they've got enough on their hands as well.

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