Reunion Day 3 - Bea(it)ch calling

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"Who in the name of Salazar changed my alarm clock to that blasted thing screaming at me like some ridiculous fangirl?" I fumed, walking into the living room. "What, you don't like hearing dear Taylor's voice first thing in the morning?" Ava smiled at me innocently. "I bet she'd love nothing more than to do it personally though" she added. "What?.. How?.. What? Wait no ew. What the hell, Ava" I mustered, trying to wrap my mind around what it was my lovely little sister pulled on me this morning. She just grinned at me sheepishly. Mum and Cassie chuckled "Honey, what did you do?" "Nothing much mummy, I just replaced his alarm with a more effective one" Ava continued her innocent act. Merlin, I bet the devil's proud of her. "Can you at least pass me the coffee for the trauma you just caused me?". We may be British, but coffee is a sacred given in our family. So when she poured some for herself as well, it gave me the perfect little revenge plan. Every time she would put sugar in her coffee, it'd turn into salt. I know it's not much, but for a coffee addict like we all are, to have her morning coffee ruined, would be enough to wipe that smile off of her face, and put one onto mine.

Ava spit out her coffee all over the table in disgust. "What, you don't like a salty touch to your morning coffee?" I mimicked her and laughed. If looks could kill I'd be six feet down by now. "Asshole" she muttered when glaring at me. "Love you too sis". "All right calm down you two. Your dad's coming home tonight and I don't want to have to explain how our youngest daughter got her cute arse locked up in Azkaban. Okay I'm off to work, you three enjoy yourselves at the beach today! And please, do try not to kill each other in the process" mum said, getting her stuff. "Can't make any promises!" Ava and I laughed. We may have been able to kill each other's guts a minute ago, but the three of us love each other too much to stay pissed off too long. At other people, no problem, but with each other? Not a bloody chance. "I guess that'll have to do. " mum laughed. "Alright, see you tonight loves!" and with that she was gone for the day.

"When are we supposed to leave for the beach again?" I asked Cassie, the 'responsible one' out of the three of us. "Huh? Oh uh... oh shit, in five minutes!" hence the quotation marks. I mentally face palmed myself, downed my perfectly delicious coffee, and got up to pack my things. I changed into my dark green swim shorts, house pride and all, a white t-shirt and my Vans. I took my car keys, sunglasses, wallet and whatever it is I would need today and dropped them in Cassies bag. "Cas, Ava, you ready to leave?" "Just a sec, I've got to lay out mum's dress for tonight!" I heard Cassie shout from what I think is mum and dad's closet. Ava came strutting out of her bedroom with... buckets? "Ava, love, I thought you were past the building-sandcastles-with-buckets phase?" she just slapped me against my arm. "Ow! Why'd you do that?" "Because I can't reach your head to whack it. They're not for me you oaf. I brought them for the Fake Five, for when they start drooling all over you and James again." I laughed "Can you blame them though?".

"All right, I'm ready! Hey Ave, what's with the buckets?" Cassie walked over to us, looking confused. "You'll see" she answered "Alright day 3, here we go!" I pep talked mostly myself before walking over to the Potters' suite and knocking their door. "James, you ready mate?" I shouted through their door.

We made our way to the lobby where we once again would be meeting with the Grangers.


We had been waiting for a solid five minutes for those barbie doll wannabe's before they finally made their way downstairs. "Bloody hell, finally" Scorp muttered next to me. "Oi Britt" Cassie started at the same time "you wanna ride with us? We've got one more seat in the car" "Oh yes please, thank you!" she answered while not trying to show how relieved she really was. Merlin I really feel sorry for her, having the screwed up part of the family as your closest ones. In the meantime they were talking about all the sexy men they were going to 'meet and impress' at the beach today. How on earth do they plan on doing that? Last time I checked they're no witches so there's no chance of a love potion. So what other option is there for them? It sure as hell won't be their charming personality. Let alone their looks. Roger interrupted my thoughts before I could think of a viable way for the Fake Five to actually sweep someone off their feet. "Is everyone ready to go? Let's get this show on the road then."

"Thank you so much for letting me ride with you guys, I don't think I would've survived otherwise" Britt said as soon as we got into Scorp's car. Cassie chuckled that cute laugh of hers "Of course! We figured as much" she winked at Britt. "If you want, you can stay over at ours tonight too! Oh we can have a sleepover party! Oh guys let's ask the others to come tonight already and make it one massive sleepover, we'll ask Jake and Will as well! Mom and dad won't be back from their date till tomorrow morning so they won't mind but I'll text dad to warn 'em. Love, will you text the others to get their arses over to the hotel at let's say nine? Britt you get Jake and Will to come too and we'll get food and drinks from room service." "Do we get to have a say in this as well sis?" Scorp interrupted. "No you don't. All right so it's set! Oh this is going to be so much fun!" Cassie continued her rambling. I chuckled at her enthusiasm, Merlin she's so cute when she does that.

After about two hours we arrived at the beach. "Oi, by the way, what's with the buckets?" I asked Ava when she pulled them out of the trunk. "You'll see" she replied with that all too familiar Malfoy smirk on her face. "All right little one, be mysterious" I grinned. Without Lily, there really is no stopping Ava when she sets her mind to something. My baby sister is the polar opposite of the littlest Malfoy, but there really is no better duo than the two of them. They complement each other like no one else and Lily seems to be the only one, aside from Hermione, to be able to keep Ava from doing something terribly stupid, but often terribly brilliant at the same time. Well no, Cassie, Scorp and Draco can also stop her, but they usually can't be bothered, they're all too curious to see what it is she's got planned. She's like a combination of George Weasley's love for jokes, her mother's cleverness and her father's cunning. She really would be the enemy's worst nightmare. Luckily for us, she's a sweetheart to the ones she loves. Practically a Hufflepuff.

The Fake Five were adamant they'd choose where we would be sitting at the beach. After what seemed like a century, they finally agreed on a spot right in the centre of the beach, close to the boulevard so everyone would be able to see them. Unfortunately, that also means everyone would be able to see us, well me. And let's just say I'm not in the mood for that attention right now. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the centre of the attention, obviously, but today I just want to spend with my gorgeous girlfriend and my best mate. And I don't want to get those vultures of reporters to go after them as well. Call me selfish but I'd rather not share my Cassie with the rest of the muggle world. They'd already go mad for her looks alone, let alone when they find out she's the daughter of 'the Draco Malfoy' and my girlfriend.


I already noticed four of the Fake Five sneaking glances at Scorp and James – again – oh this is going to be even better than I thought. "You lot want to come swimming with us?" Jake and William came over to us. Thank you boys, let the fun begin. I made sure to stay on the background a bit, got my phone out of my bag, started filming and let the others answer. "Yes please, anything to get away from them" James whispered that last part and started taking off his shoes and shirt. Scorp quickly followed and so did Cassie. And this is where I come back in the picture. I hand one bucket to James because all air seemed to be knocked out of him upon seeing Cass undress to her bikini. I quickly shove the other buckets in the hands of the Fake Five and flash them an innocent smile. They are literally drooling at the sight of James and Scorp in just their shorts. Bloody pathetic they are but it gives us a good laugh. Cassie and Britt were the first ones to burst out laughing and soon the entire family follows. Even James couldn't stay mad at me for receiving the bucket. The excuses of barbie dolls on the other hand, were fuming. Oh well, oops. "You... you little..." Amber, still fuming, tried to form a sentence. "Yes?" I asked her, keeping up my innocent act. The other four are just too gobsmacked to even get one word out. Amber threw the bucket to the ground, stomped her feet like a little brat who didn't get her way, and stormed off to Merlin knows where. Cassie, still laughing her arse off, tried to recompose herself. "Oh my Salazar, Ave, I bloody love you, you genius. Please tell me you got that on camera." She managed to get out before bursting out laughing again. I scoffed "Seriously, who do you think I am? An amateur?"

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