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 AN: Made this from a little writing prompt I saw. Sorry if there's any errors, I just did this real quick. Enjoy! 

I'd woken up early in the morning, against my will to keep sleeping. It seemed I was quite restless from not having any cases last night so I crept down the stairs in my sweatpants and sweatshirt. I made my way to the practice room pausing at the entry to grab a rapier. Sparring took my mind off everything else and I lost track of time. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I dodged and swung at the straw dummy. I practiced every move and technique I knew, trying to tire myself. My planned failed. Practicing only made me more alert. Another move and dodge and I stepped back, panting. Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I decided I'd make some tea then see if I could sleep. Before I could fully turn a voice spoke.

"Couldn't sleep either, Luce?" It was Lockwood. How long had he been standing there?

A blush crept up my cheeks as I shook my head. "No." I put the rapier away, aware that he was watching me carefully.

"I heard you come down earlier and made some tea." He lead the way to the kitchen where I saw some tea had indeed been poured into two mugs on the table.

We both sat across from each other as the silence seemed to stretched forever. It was pitch black outside and there was a slight breeze. I was excited for the new season. It had been rather hot lately and I hated stepping outside and immediately breaking into a sweat. Soon, we were sitting in the living room. Lockwood in his usual chair and me stretched out on the couch. It was still silent until Lockwood stood abruptly.

"I'm hungry," he said simply. "You want something too?"

"Um," I thought about it. "Okay." It was more of a question but Lockwood looked very determined and I didn't want to ruin it.

With that, he went to the kitchen. Leaving me to sit in the silence and stare out the window at the trees swaying in the wind. I found it suspicious when I didn't smell any burning or even food cooking. I stood deciding to check in to make sure he was still alive. What I found was definitely something I never expected. I had to bite my lip to keep a laugh from escaping.

There in the kitchen was Lockwood, dressed in his pajamas balancing two bowls of cereal. He looked up, breaking his concentration causing the bowls to sway a bit. "What?"

This time I couldn't hold in my laugh. The oblivious look on his face only made it funnier, and soon I was gasping for air. I calmed myself and reached out to take a bowl.

"What?" He asked again. "I made some breakfast. I know it's just a bowl of cereal, but it's the only thing I can't burn."

"It's great, Lockwood." I said with a smile. With that, we ate some cereal.

AN: Definitely on the shorter side. I'm hoping to be able to be updating more frequently but school doesn't seem to be helping. Let me know how you liked it! Constructive criticism is always welcome! Shoutout to @Friendlyfangirl000 for the comment on the last chapter! It meant a whole lot to me!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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