Ending of The Empty Grave

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An: So I know a lot of people have already done this but I thought it'd still be fun to do. Above is a picture I found and pretty much based this one shot off. Apologies in advance for any errors. Enjoy! 

I nearly tripped on the last step as I rushed down the stairs. Lockwood was already at the door, hand on an umbrella. It was drizzling outside, but we'd been going on our walks for about a month and this rain wasn't going to stop us. I grabbed my own, following him outside. It was rather refreshing to feel the cool air and drops on my face. We popped our umbrellas open, beginning to walk down the street. We never really knew where we were going, just kept walking eventually ending back up at 35 Portland Row. I was about to ask but Lockwood spoke before I could.

"Where do you want to go?" Our knuckles brushed once then his hand was in mine, our fingers entwined.

"Anywhere's fine," I replied. As long as it's with you. 

The silence engulfed us again. This was how it was most of the time. Just enjoying each others' company. A few remarks here and there, sometimes we talked about cases. We never walked far, at least that I could tell. But tonight seemed longer, I wasn't going to complain I'd take these moments we had with each other over anything, but I was curious.

"Lockwood," I looked up at him. "Where exactly are we going?"

He frowned then looking rather confused, replacing it with a smile so quickly I thought I'd imagined it. He looked down at me, grinning. "I thought you knew?"

I couldn't help smiling back, cursing the blush that crept up cheeks. I rolled my eyes, failing at hiding my smile. I bumped my shoulder into his. "Seriously."

"No, I really thought you knew."

Had I been leading us the whole way? I couldn't tell. I hadn't been thinking about where we were going at all. I recognized where we were, so we wouldn't have trouble getting back. It was one of our usual routes, maybe we'd both been naturally walking this way? I wasn't sure.

"Oh," I didn't know what else to say.

"That's alright, we can head back now," he paused. "If you wanted to?"


So we headed back, side by side. I'd barely gotten a few hours of sleep last night and the pattering of the rain was enough to make my eyelids droop. I found myself leaning into Lockwood, our umbrellas brushing against each other.

"A bit tired, Luce?" He said teasingly.

"Shut up." I mumbled into his coat sleeve.

We kept walking. At some point Lockwood stopped his gaze turned to mine. I righted myself, casting him a confused look.

"What?" I asked, looking around. It was dark and I didn't see anything but then again, I didn't have his gift for sight. "Is something wrong?"

He laughed a bit, startling me. "No."

"Then why'd you stop?" I was tired and even thought I didn't want to let go of him, I wanted to sleep.

"For this."

The next thing I knew, his arms were around me and his head was tilted down towards mine. Was this really happening? His lips brushed against mine briefly. I stood there stunned. He pulled back an unsure look was on his face.


He didn't have a chance to finish before I had grabbed his coat with my free hand pulling him back down to me. I let my other hand drop, the rain hitting my face a moment before Lockwood covered us with his umbrella. His lips were soft and perfect against mine. I melted into the kiss, never wanting to leave. But alas, we need air to survive. We pulled away, still close underneath the umbrella. Lockwood was smiling like an idiot and I was fairly sure I was doing the same.

We stood there grinning at each other before reaching for the other's hand and beginning to walk again. We pulled each other close underneath our umbrellas, but now I would have hardly noticed if the rain soaked my clothes completely through. All that mattered was the boy beside me, his fingers tangled in mine, his goofy grin never leaving his face. And honestly, I'd never seen Lockwood happier.

I thought about the night in the cemetery, when he brought me to the graves. How afraid I'd been, and still am, of the empty space in the lot. When I left the company and how awful those months away had been. To save him. Said a voice in my head. You had no choice. But I did. I remembered how eager Lockwood had been during the cases I'd taken with them during my time as a freelancer. How he'd gotten worse with throwing himself into everything. It had been horrible for both of us. What would have happened if I'd told him no when he showed up to my apartment? He'd be dead.

Lockwood leant his head down to me. "Luce?"

"Hm?" I was still lost in my thoughts.

"I can't feel my fingers."

I let my grip on his hand loosen. "Oh, sorry."

"It's alright."

We remained silent all the way up to the entrance of 35 Portland Row. Reluctantly Lockwood let go of my hand reaching inside his coat for his keys. I closed my umbrella, shaking it out before crossing the threshold, Lockwood doing the same before pulling the door closed behind us. The house was strangely quiet. We took our coats off, hanging them up. Despite the late hours, Holly's voice could be heard from the kitchen, low enough so I couldn't make it out. Then a shushing noise to which the house went dead silent. I gave Lockwood a confused glance. He responded with a shrug. With that we made our way to the kitchen.

George and Holly sat at the table and with a start I noticed Kipps standing against the counter. Tea had been made and each had a mug in their hands along with having an expectant look on their faces.

"How was your walk?" George asked with a smirk.

AN: I actually had a lot of fun writing this, even though it took like two weeks, but I'll take any requests! No mature content tho. Let me know what you think! 

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