City S

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Then Kiara knocked many times on the hard door and shouted "Kasey open the door please, now" while madam Wertheimer angrily staring at her while pointing on her wrist watch then at the end the door of the cottage fell flat down on the floor and that woke up Mrs. Mayer, and Mrs. Mayer shouted "THAT IS IT THAT IS THE LAST STRAW GET OUT OF THIS COTTAGE AND-" but Kiara interrupted and said "Me, Kasey and Memor got a big job at City C" then Mrs. Mayer said "I don't believe you, besides where-" then Madame Wertheimer said with a smile "Have you got your friends to agree?" Then Mrs. Mayer was left shocked. After telling Kasey and Memor the news, they agreed and hopped on the Lamborghini. Madame Wertheimer greeted Kiara's two friends and started the trip to city C, somewhere in city Y Madame Wertheimer broke the silence by saying "It's a long trip, best if you get some shut eye", Kasey nodded and pulled out her blanket out of her large purple backpack and lied down on the back of the car. Memor and Kiara refused to take a nap and take in the view instead, a few hours later Memor fell asleep while passing through the edge of city Q the car was very silent, the only thing you can hear was the sound of the air-conditioner. An hour later a large bang woke up the two girls Madame Wertheimer, and the Driver went out to check what made the explosion, the three girls followed they saw that four wheels of the Lamborghini got blown up by rolling on a knife like rock. Madame Wertheimer looked around and saw a city full of rubble and dust. There was a putrid smell and abandoned buildings infested by rats. Kasey screamed "WHAT IS THAT AWFUL SMELL" Memor replied "Stop screaming, your scream would have been heard to the other city" Kasey scowled and walked back to the car, Madame Wertheimer recognized the city and said "th- this must be" Kiara looking dejected "city S" holding in tears, she rushed in the car sitting down next to Kasey. Memor said with a staggered look, "What happened here? Madame Wertheimer?" Madame Wertheimer got shocked by what Memor said, Madame Wertheimer replied "You don't know?", before Memor could reply Madame Wertheimer said softly "the year 2100 there was some mysterious blue light from the sky, it shined over city S they said it was one of the most beautiful sight the century has seen it went closer by the day, it also becomes brighter and more astonishing, it was the pride of City S. A few months later it became too close some people where blinded some even killed but the worst part was the-" she paused for a few seconds "it was called the blue virus". Kiara came in and said softly "The blue virus, I was in city S when that happened, my father was a scientist and my mom was a entrepreneur, my father said something bad will happen we have to move to different cities. My mother refused and reminded my father that the blue light is the pride of city S. When people start getting blind we decided to move but then something happened while we were packing" Kiara started tearing up, Memor said "the blue virus, then what happened?" Madame Wertheimer replied "People killing each other, buildings collapsing a very horrid sight". Memor was left shocked, she had a million questions running through her mind but one came out of her mouth "How did they know if the person was infected?" Madame Wertheimer replied a few seconds later "They would have a blue scar on their neck", After Madame Wertheimer said that the whole city was quiet, the silence was interrupted by the driver who said there is a truck coming to pick them up.

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