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How could a person remove this? Regret
In life, we always have to decide where to go, and each decisions we make, there would be a consequence.

Can we just turn back time and change our past. Remove this regret in our hearts make better choices in life. But if we could change our past, how sure are we that we would not feel any regrets? If we undo the things we have done, we may not become the person we are today. But do we really like the person we see everyday in the mirror. Don't we wish sometimes we are much innocent than we are now? Don't you think think that  if I didn't ignore it, would he still be alive? If I did my best from the very start, would i become successful? If I did not leave, would I still have you?

We keep on regretting things and become hanged up in our past. But if I don't have these regrets, could I become a better person? Or having these regrets in my heart makes me a better person for it teaches me about life. But did I really learned something from these past experience? How come it keeps on repeating in my life? How come I can't feel that I become stronger?

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