Homeless!America // Coffee & Burgers Part 1

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It was that time of year again, Christmas. It was about two weeks till and you had just finished shopping for some gifts at the mall. You were walking home, an abundance of bags with stores' labels on them in your hands, and you tried to pull your sweater closer to your body. It was getting colder and colder by the second, you thought, and it sure did feel like it. It was only 75 degrees out when you left your apartment at noon and now it felt like the temperature had dropped by ten degrees! You sighed as chills started to crawl up your arms.

As you passed the bus stop that you always passed when you walked home, you noticed an unfamiliar face. It was a man, sitting and leaning against the bus sign. He wore what a normal eighteen year old would wear: a green hoodie, a Captain America t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of black converse. He looked as if he hadn't been homeless at all...until you saw a sack, containing what could've possibly been all of his belongings.

His eyes were closed, so he couldn't see you standing there staring at him. You could see his chest move up and down in even motions, which caused you to release any worry you had of him not breathing, and went on your way home. Sure, you didn't do anything to help him, but you couldn't do anything. Well, at least anything that could've come to mind. You wanted to do at least SOMETHING for the poor guy, but what could have you done? Take a complete stranger into your apartment? You didn't think you could've handled that, especially taking in a stranger.

You continued to think about the man's plight all the way home, not noticing you had already arrived at the front door of your building. When you looked up at your apartment complex, a string of guilt was threaded through your heart. You desperately wanted to do something for that man, so you decided that you would quickly place all your gifts down in your apartment, grab your wallet, and head back to the bus stop. You planned on giving him anything you could; a few ten dollar bills, a coffee and sandwich, anything! Anything to make your guilt go away. Besides, it WAS Christmas...

So, as fast as you could, you ran up to your apartment, forgetting that you could've just taken the elevator. You rushed to unlock the door once you got there, taking longer than expected trying to find your keys. Once inside, you didn't bother to take your sweater off but instead put another coat over it. You tossed the millions of bags you were carrying in some corner of your tiny living room, making a mental note to wrap those later -- and to buy wrapping paper. With everything over with, you ran out the door but immediately coming back in because you totally forgot about your wallet.

While searching the kitchen for your pink Hello Kitty wallet, your anxiety and guilt started to build up inside you. What if he wasn't homeless and was just waiting for the bus? What if he was gone already? What if something terrible happened to him?! Like he was taken into some alley and beat up!? Or he was seduced by some hooker and was taken away by her?! The thought of a hooker taking him away enraged you and as you were just about to punch a wall, another thought popped into your head. Why did the thought of another woman sweeping that man away get you so mad? Your face turned the brightest red at your foolish conscious; he was just some man you wanted to help, nothing more!

"AHA! FOUND YOU!" You practically screamed when you found your wallet in the island drawer.

You gripped it tightly and ran out the door, not forgetting to lock it. Then down the long spiral of stairs, again forgetting that you could've just taken the stairs, and out the lobby's front door. Your feet took you down the street going as fast as they could, which mind you was absolutely fast.

Coming to an abrupt stop, you arrived at the bus stop, and luckily, the man was still there! You took a minute -- or five -- to catch your breath, leaning against the opposite brick wall that separated that neighborhood and the streets. You took this time gasping for air to finally notice this man's handsome facial features.

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