Christmas Gift - Canada x Reader

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Sorry for any grammatical errors!

“( f/n )!”

You looked towards your best-bartender-friend Matthew. You stepped into the bar, wiping your feet on the welcome mat. You flashed him a smile and hung your wet, winter jacket on the coat rack next to the door. You walked over to the bar and plopped down onto a seat in front of your friend, who was polishing a glass.

“Hey, Matt,” you groaned jokingly. “I see you’re still working late.”

He laughed, putting down the glass. “What can I get ‘cha?” He asked, ignoring your acknowledging his work schedule, which he hated as well.

You pondered for a moment, rubbing your chin and making the most disgusting face you could pull off. “Hmm,” You mumbled then pointed in some random direction to say you had made up your mind. “I would like some orange juice." 

He smiled. “Orange juice coming up!” Saying that, he quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

You took this time to look around the bar. It seemed empty, more empty than usual. Then you noticed Matthew’s brother Alfred wasn’t there. It must not be his shift, you thought, but it still feels quiet. You noticed a few regulars in the back: typical hipsters who don’t drink alcohol. But then again, as you were mentally judging them, you don’t drink either. You turned to face forward and rested your arms on the counter. You then plopped your head down in your crossed arms.

It was Christmas Eve, and this year was the first year you were spending Christmas without your family. And you were glad about that. You hated how your family would get when the holiday season neared. Almost all of the men, your father, uncles, and living grandfathers, would drink their hearts away, and the women would go shopping or caroling, two things you did not like. And they would constantly ask you when you were getting a job, when were you going to finish school, when were you going to find a boyfriend. You hated it when they didn’t mind their own business and how they would just interrogate you about your life. So, you thought, either way I’ll spend Christmas alone. You frowned, but part of you was happy you weren’t going to see your horrible family.

“( f/n ), you’re not thinking about your family again, are you?” You hadn’t realized it, but Matthew had some back with your orange juice. You sat up, taking the cold glass of orange juice Matthew had set onto the counter into your hands. Despite your hands already being cold from the snowy weather, the coolness of the glass and the orange juice and ice felt good. You placed your cold hand onto the back of your neck, sending a plethora of euphoric shivers down your spine.

“Nah,” you assured, shaking your head. “Thanks for the juice.” You brought the rim of the glass to your also cold lips and took a sip of the juice.

“You’re welcome,” he replied but didn’t drop the family subject. “You shouldn’t think of them.”

“I wasn’t thinking of them, Matt,” you reassured him, but still he continued. 

“They were terrible to you. They were horrible.”

“Matthew, I wasn’t thinking of my family!" 

“Really? Because I can read you like a book, ( f/n ).”

“Matthew. I was not thinking of them. So please drop the subject.”

“You have new family now.”

You frowned, your brows arching downwards. You stood up abruptly, your chair skidding behind you, almost toppling over, and your hands slammed on the counter, shaking the glass of juice. “What family?! What the hell are you talking about?! A new family? What new family?!!" You screamed at him, gripping onto the counter in frustration. Flashbacks of past humiliation from your relatives, of verbal abuse and bullying, of tortures flooded your mind. Tears began to sting your eyes. Just when you were beginning to forget…

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