Hello, Shopkeep - Flowershop - Chapter 2

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Hello everyone and welcome back to Hello, Shopkeep! 

I'm really glad that people like this little series so far! ♡ ⎝ (≧ ∀ ≦ ⎝) 


You weren't sure which type of flower you should have for your wedding bouquet. You were tempted to be traditional and pick roses, but you also wanted to be different and pick daisies. Both would have been perfect, but since they didn't look flattering together, it was one or the other. Your bridesmaids weren't any help either; they suggested an abundance and plethora of flowers and blossoms you thought weren't pretty enough or didn't fit the theme of the occassion. You heaved a sigh of exasperation.

"Are you all right, ____?" Elizaveta, your maid of honor, asked of concern, placing a light hand on your shoulder.

You nodded. "I'm fine," rubbing the back of your head, "a little nervous maybe."

She chuckled, remembering the time she got married to Roderich; how she was so nervous to the point where her arms and legs started trembling. "Don't worry, kicsikém (1). Everything will go perfectly. I promise you," she smiled, hugging you tightly.

"Thank you, Liz." You hugged her back quickly. Feeling a sense of renewal to your perseverance, the both of you went back to searching for the perfect flower.

✂︎ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Thirty minutes later, still no progress was made, and it seemed like you and your group of bridesmaids had tried every flower in the shop. You were all exhausted, every maid either sitting in the store's chairs or on the tiled floor against the wall; the sun was nearing the western horizon. The store was about to close, as the store owner had told you five minutes earlier. You, during most of the past thirty minutes, had your head in your hands as you sat near the front of the shop. You rubbed your temples, a nerves away from pulling your hairs out of your head. You began to think that there was no hope for you.


You looked up and were met with pools of cerulean swirling with the light that filled them from the fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling. Possibly pools was an understatement. His eyes were the oceans – Pacific, Atlantic, Artic, and Indian – being brought together in one spot, their beauty intertwining with the others'. A sense of calmness was washed over you when you heard his voice – oh so innocent, yet deep and bold. You weren't sure what to feel, though, since looking into his eyes made you feel weightless, but with that thought of the wedding imminent, it made you feel that a storm was approaching and would disturb your peaceful floating in his ocean-eyes. His voice, thought, brough back that feeling of calmness, but hearing Liz brought you back to reality.

"She'd love the coffee," Liz answered for you, seeing that you had completely spaced out.

You laughed a breathy chuckle, and your face flushed. "Sorry," you apologized. "I kinda spaced out. I'd love a coffee."

The clerk nodded with a smile, his golden hair bouncing as he did, and headed into the break room. Once he was out of ear shot, Liz glared at you. You responded with a questioning look.

"You haven't spaced out like that since you met Gilbert," she commented, placing her hand on her hip. She was right. The moment you met Gilbert was almost exactly like the moment you had looking into that clerk's azure eyes, but into Gilbert's ruby ones. Her expression then changed from angry and serious to a more empathetic one. She knew that look; she'd seen it in herself. "Don't tell me you've fallen for another man."

"No, no, no, no, no!" You shook your head frantically. You couldn't have. "It's probably that phase where you question whether you should get married or not." Yeah, that was what it was.

She frowned, skeptical. You, too, were doubting your answer as you noticed your thoughts lingering on the clerk. You began to grow worried for your faithfulness. Of course you still loved your husband-to-be Gilbert, but that blond clerk shook you up in a way you never thought you could feel. He made your blood rush to your face immediately, and that confidence that radiated from him made you want to be around him more. And that godforsaken smile! That smile ruined you; it made your heart skip beats and your stomach flop here and there. You hadn't noticed, but your face began to turn a bright red as you sat in your seat, face in hands.

"_____!" Liz scolded. "Stop thinking of him!"

"I'm trying!!"

You sighed, slouching to the back of the chair, your head turned to the left. You let your mind wander, there was no point in trying to stop it. 


So I decided to end it here because I lost my urge to write... D:

Idk if that means I won't be writing as often now, but I'll try to keep writing Remembered (if you follow that story) and finish writing this one!

Woah, only one more part to this mini series... I hope you guys stay tuned for that! :D

Oh and some implied PruHunAus for everyone C;

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