part 6

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Minho had drifted to sleep and in his dream he suddenly saw a person. He couldn't see the person's face but could hear his voice.

"You are worthless and pathetic. Look at your self crying in a corner." Said that person.

Minho abruptly opened his eyes and looked around. There was no one. He was all alone. It was his dream.

As he closed his eyes again, a memory flashed in his mind, it was hazy but he could clearly hear the voice.

His younger self was weeping hysterically as he ran away from there.

"Minho you can't runaway from me. You can never runaway from me " warned the boy, in a devilish voice.

Minho ran into the washroom. He was aldready out of breath because of the run and his vision was blurry with tears. His legs were shaking.

And on top of that Minho's mind wouldn't stop thinking of him.

He knew what he would say after seeing him desperately trying to erase all of their memories and run away from him.

"Minho just remember that I will never leave you alone. You have become a loser now and I will bring you back to the track , so don't worry"

Minho felt really exhausted a d suffocated. He desperately wanted to tell all of this to someone.

He had tried it many times, but he never revealed the whole thing. He couldn't trust anyone around him, not even his friends.

It was because of the guy, who was once his best friend. The person whom he had trusted the most. The same person who later became the reason for all of his problems.

He was the one who told Minho that he was worthless . After some years he disappeared from Minho's life but he came back, again.

Everytime he felt immensely helpless and lonely he remembered that person. He had always told himself that breaking their friendship was a good decision but he also knew that a part of him regretted doing that.

That part of him treasured that old friend a lot and always felt that only he was his true friend and no one else. That's why he hated being left out. It made him want to run back to his old friend despite knowing that their friendship had become completely toxic.

But old habits die hard don't they?

He tried to control his sobs and stop his tears but it didn't but couldn't.

"Minho hyung are you in there. ?" It was Suengmin.

Minho immediately composed himself and answered with a quiet yes.

"Hyung are you okay? Why is your voice so quiet ? Open the door hyung?"

"N-no " yelled Minho.

"Hyung you are opening it right now! I know some thing is wrong!" Yelled Suengmin.

Minho reluctantly opened the door. Suengmin saw Minho's state and immediately dragged him out of the stall and hugged him.

The poor boy was still shaking. Suengmin patted his back in a comforting way.

But Minho's sobs only grew louder. Suengmin wasn't understanding anything. But he held on to him.

He pulled away. "Hyung please breathe. " Suengmin pleaded.

Minho tried to breathe. After good 10 minutes his breathing got stable. Suengmin turned around but Minho immediately held on to him.

"Please don't leave me please" muttered Minho. Minho wanted someone to distract him from his thoughts about that person, he wanted someone to make him feel safe.

I Always Smile, But Is It Always Real?✅Where stories live. Discover now