Shikamaru x Reader (Fluff) |Jenny, Darling, You're My Best Friend|

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Requested by: MissRebelle

To be honest, I liked this song before it was popular four years ago.


This entire oneshot is just one big awkward mess :)

Y/N P.O.V.

"Shikaaaa..." I wined, falling into my best friend's lap. "I wanna do somethinggg..."

"Elaborate on 'something'." He deadpanned before looking down at me, following his smart little comment with a sigh.

"Something you and me with both enjoy, together." I added for Shikamaru, my lips curling up into my classic bright-eyed goofy grin. Shikamaru's face erupted with scarlet red. I hardly noticed it at the time.

"What a drag..." He muttered, pulling me off of his lap. I swore I felt a small poke on the back of my head, but told myself I was imagining things.

"Is cloudgazing fine with you?" He asked me, averting eye contact with me slightly.

"Sure!" I agreed with the lazy boy, rocking back and forth on the couch happily. Shikamaru's face darkened at this.

"I'll be right back..." He mumbled to me, before speed-walking into the closet.

"Shika? Are you okay?" You asked him from your bed. Shikamaru slowly emerged from your closet.

"I uh, went the wrong way." He told you with a sheepish grin, before swiftly stumbling out of your room, his hands not his pockets, but rather holding a shirt from your closet. I shrugged, not really caring if he wore my shirt.


After a few minutes of waiting for Shikamaru, I decided to change clothes, the ones I was wearing not really being the type of clothes to roll around on the ground with.

I slipped off your pants, them gently falling to the floor, I soon heard a loud bang from seemingly the bathroom, followed up by a fairly loud: "OW!"

"You okay?" I called out to him, before reaching for my shirt, and pulling it over my head, it still being on my arms for a moment.

"Yeah, I just fell into the bathtub and-" Shikamaru's voice stopped. I whipped my head around to see Shikamaru staring at me, half-naked in my slightly opened door.

Blood trickled down his nose, before he smacked himself. He quickly slammed the door, his heavy footsteps echoing down the halls.

An forced smile had been glued on my face until I finally finished changing. That was the weirdest thing I had ever experienced. 


After an awkward conversation with Shikamaru clearing up that situation, the two of us walked outside together, holding hands.

Everyone around us looked and gave us praises like: "What a cute couple!" Holding hands, in my opinion, is the greatest way to signal you're bestest friends with someone. Holding hands doesn't count as anything romantic.

"Where'd you have in mine, Loafy?" I asked him, using his super special nickname I had just made for him.

"Loafy!?" He asked me back in response, whipping his head around to look at me, his face oozing disgust.

"Yeah! Like the old-fashioned term for 'lazy', I made it up myself! It also makes you sound like a loaf of bread." I explained to him, giggling afterwards. 

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