Day 27, The Tsundere and Sticky One

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Day 27, The Tsundere and Sticky One

"Chuuya-san, did you..."

"No, why are you asking that?" Chuuya put his gaze away from Aku. He was in a blush, but he won't admit it.

It happens when Aku asked him if he was jealous, but he said no. The thing is, Aku was on a mission when a girl suddenly hugged him from behind, thinking it was her boyfriend but she apparently misunderstood him. Thank God Aku didn't kill her on accident.

"You... sure?" Aku tried hugging red head from behind, "You wanted this too?"

"Who told you that?" Red head tried to push him away from his waist. But Aku refused to let go of his dear, cute boyfriend.

"Your face did," Aku implied, "And I won't let go of you," He hugged him tighter and made him fall to the bed, cuddling him few times. It's cute that Chuuya actually can get jealous.

"Fine-" He turned around, and hugged Aku back, "I don't want anyone other than me to touch you like that,"

"I'm sorry,"

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