Gifts? For me?

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We all go back from the mall. It was almost 5 and about dinner time. After I dropped my shopping bags in my dorm room (my new friends insisted on getting me a new wardrobe after they saw how cute I looked in the outfit and also the slight attitude change) I ordered some katsudon from my favorite restaurant and got some of the best mochi in japan.

I wanted to treat myself with traditional Japanese food one last time before I went to America.

Nezu left me a couple empty boxes just in case I needed to pack anything else which was nice of him. I decided to swap out the clothes I packed in the suitcase with the clothes I bought at the mall.

I heard the doorbell to the dorm ring so I shouted out "I'll get it!" and ran downstairs.

I passed everyone in the common rooms and when I looked at them they just turned away nervously.

Maybe I went a little too far?

I ran to the door but instead of being greeted by my katsudon I was greeted by all my teachers. Midnight, Nezu. Mic, Aizawa, All Might, Snipe, and Recovery girl were all standing at the door!

I noticed they all had boxes or bags in their hands.

I let them in the dorm and everyone in the common room looked our way out of curiosity. Aizawa turned to them and told them to go to their rooms so they did.

"Hey guys! Uh, why are you here? Is someone in trouble? Am I in trouble? Did Iida tell you guys what I did? I swear they deserved it!" I told them all at once.

"No were here to- wait, what did you do?" Aizawa asked me.

"Ahah.... uh... nothing?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Problem child..."

"Ok fine! Bakugo and Uraraka have been talking shit about me behind my back but they finally decided to just say it to my face because I just now found out and Bakugo started talking bad about the only people who stood up for me and I guess I just snapped. If you really want the details I'm like 99% sure Mina recorded the whole things. I'm surprised it's not already on every social media platform."


I checked my phone.

Mina Ashido tagged you in an Instagram post.

"Never mind. It is. You wanna watch me go off on them? Not to brag but I was pretty badass." I asked them. Recovery girl whacked me.

"Since when did you start swearing??" She asked me before whacking me once more with her cane.

"Owww. Since like 10 hours ago. Well technically for a while but I started cursing in front of others today."

"Who cares about that? Let me see the video!!" Midnight said, pushing her way to the front.

I opened up my phone and set it on the table to let the video play out. It showed Bakugo belittling Kiri and Kami. Then I spoke up. Bakugo insulted me. Then I went off on them.

I got whacked in the shin every time I cursed in the video. I'm surprised my leg isn't broken yet.

Once the video finished all the teachers mouths were open. Well, at least I think snipes was open. Couldn't really tell under the mask. Nezu was just sitting there sadistically.

But I can say everyone was at least a little shocked. Midnight spoke up first.

"THAT WAS HELLA BADASS! You went OFF on them! I don't think I've ever been more proud of a student in my life." She said excitedly and I laughed.

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