So the training begins...

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Isabella Baker

Quirk: Winter

Strengths: Quirk control, strategy, rescue, knows exactly how to support others in battle.

Weaknesses: Can't fight in places with a lot of people staring at her or else she gets stage fright.


The next day Izuku woke up, ready to start another day in America.

Until he realized where he was and what he was doing there.

Izuku groaned and flopped onto the bed once again. A chuckle was heard from next to him. "You seem excited for today." Axel noted sarcastically. Izuku rolled his eyes and Axel came over to give him a short kiss on the lips.

"Mornin sunshine," Axel said as he broke apart from the kiss and looked at his boyfriend lovingly.

"Morning love," Izuku responded with, knowing the nickname would make Axel blush.

"Ugh, I have to deal with my ex classmates todayyyy." Izuku complained as he rolled over on the bed. Axel laughed a bit. "You'll be able to put them in their place if they act out. I know you have fun messing with them too so maybe this day won't be as bad as you think." Axel said, trying to reassure the greenette.

"But Bakugo is such a FUCKING KAREN!!! I swear to god I'm gonna fold his ass like a chair at least five times if he tries to start shit with me today." Izuku said as he started to smother himself with a pillow. His boyfriend laughed at him, knowing that he would 100% do that.

"If you didn't want to work with him, why are you making him train with you?" Axel asked.

"Because he's an asshole and needs to 1. learn his place, and 2. learn a lot about fighting and keeping his emotions under control. I just so happen to specialize in those areas so it makes the most sense to have him train with me." Izuku responded, taking the pillow off his face.

"I'm just glad that Half and Half guy isn't working with you." Axel said with a hint of bitterness in his voice. Izuku smiled a bit.

"Aw, is someone jealous?" Izuku teased.

"What? Of that burnt, emotionally detached fuck waffle? Not a chance. I just don't like the way he looks at you, that's all." Axel responded, crossing his arms at the totally true accusation.

"Mhm. Sure." Izuku said as he stood up and started getting dressed into his hero uniform. It was currently 5am so they had to get ready and prep the training areas for today, seeing as it started at 6am. Axel totally did not stare at his boyfriend's muscular, scarred, hot body as Izuku took off his pajama shirt.

"I know you're staring. I can practically hear the drool coming out of your mouth, you pervert." Izuku campy said as he turned around, catching Axel red handed and blushing a bit.

"Awe come on, how could I not stare at that beautiful body." Axel said as he stood up and came to wrap his arms around Izuku's waist and bring him closer to him.

Izuku blushed and turned away from his boyfriend's eyes. "Idiot." Izuku mumbled. "Go get changed and stop watching me!" Izuku said, playfully hitting Axel's chest.

"Fine, fine. I'll go get changed." Axel said before giving Izuku a kiss on the cheek and leaving the room to go get changed.

Izuku rolled his eyes at Axel's behavior but couldn't get rid of the smile that was on his face. After he changed and got ready for the day he went outside to go start preparing the fields for today's training.

When Izuku was about half way through the rest of the Tortillas came out to the field to help him.

Once it was 5:45 they finally finished and went to the main entrance to the training arena to wait for the others. Izuku turned to them once they got there to go over the main focuses and points for their training groups.

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