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~♡︎play the song when I say so♡︎~

"So we meet again... Izuku Midoriya."

I turned around to come face to face with the man who had let me out of the villain hideout in America, first year.

"William Chambers was it?" I asked, being wary of him.

"Ah so you do remember me!" He said happily as he adjusted his monocle. I realized that he was standing near the place I needed to get to but it seemed like AFO and Shigaraki didn't notice me.

In fact, everyone was standing still. I looked around for a moment seeing everyone frozen mid-battle. There were many unconscious bodies on the ground, mostly villains but I saw a few of my former classmates knocked out as well.

"Is this your quirk?" I asked, turning to William.

He smiled and nodded. "Time manipulation. I can start, stop, rewind, fast forward and even see through time. I know what's gonna happen today and I need to make sure that the passage of time doesn't get knocked off course. That is my job as the time keeper." He explained.

"Time keeper?"

"Yes. I need to make sure our timeline stays on course. This power has been passed on in my family for generations and the only time that the timeline shifted courses, is when you didn't die in your battle with overhaul. You're a special one Midoriya. I like you. So I'm going to tell you this, you need to battle All For One 1 v 1. You're going to save the world and a long era of peace will follow this day." Chambers explained.

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"As I said my boy, I know everything. Now when I unfreeze time your little friends will be unable to fight anymore. You'll be on your own. The Pomeranian will take out the crusty looking man over there and once he does that, you'll be free to take out the top villain in the world. Only you can do it so make sure no one else is around."

"And what happens if I don't do this?" I asked.

"Well then the villains will win and the world will succumb to an era of darkness." The man said with a dark and serious tone.

"Why are you helping me? Aren't you a villains as well?"

"I am not a hero, nor a villain. I am simply the man who guides earths passage of time. Now we mustn't wait any longer. I'm going to unfreeze time so prepare yourself. I wish you the best of luck Izuku Midoriya."

And with that, the man unfroze time and seemingly disappeared. Action was brought on once more.

I heard explosions and gunshots, bows and arrows, quirks in the works and fists punching other people. Just like the man said I heard Jackson in my earpiece.

"Emma had got shot and I used up the rest of my rewinds trying to save her. She's fine now but I don't have any rewinds left. Creati is done and so is Axel, they overused their quirks already and they don't have the energy to fight. Ace is getting worn out and Isabella is getting frostbite. Shoto just got knocked out and the rest of your classmates except for Ground Zero are in the makeshift infirmity. We still can't contact Iida so we don't know whether or not the heroes are on there way.

"What do you want us to do?"

It was in that moment I heard a massive explosion behind me. Bakugo had just taken out Shigaraki but got thrown over the ice wall by All For One. I was hiding behind a giant piece of overturned land someone had made with their quirk.

The man told me to fight All For One but how? If I use OFA to 100% I don't know how much damage it'll do, and I can only deal out 5 100% attacks at a time. AFO is much stronger than muscular and I was only able to defeat him with 1,000,000%.

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