Chapter One

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I sit in the guidance office for the third time this week and it's only Tuesday. It's so quiet I can hear the clock's hands moving slowly. I watch the clock and wait for the counselors door to open and Kevin walks out of the room and glare at me as he exits. After what feels like an hour the doors finally open and Kevin walks out. 3....2....1... there it is the hateful glare.

"Luka come on in," the counselor says, gesturing to me to enter her office. I get up slowly, I can feel the bruises forming on my chest and I groan. Suddenly the doors open and a girl walks in. I stop for a second to look at her.

"This is Ava Bexley, I found her under the staircase crying, possibly from a panic attack," a hall monitor tells the guidance office receptionist.

"Luka Bradly!" the counselor says getting my attention, I walk around the girl, and walk towards the counselor's room. I turn around and look at the girl.
"You new huh?" the receptionist asks,

"Yes," she says quietly, sniffing her nose.

"Alright, well Ms. Bexley, sit there Mrs. Rane is seeing another student right now ok?" she nods, and sits down and looks down at her feet that are swinging back and forth.

"Luka come-on we don't have all day!" Mrs. Rane says angrily

"Sorry," I say as I rush into the room.

"Ok so what happened this time?" she asks me

"I was walking in the halls minding my own business and Kevin just pushed me into a locker. I got a little annoyed but I kept walking, and-"

"He did it again?"

"Yes!" I yell "and then he calls me an animal killer!" I yell louder, "and-"

"That's enough Luka, thank you,"

"That's it?" I say slightly annoyed

"Yes I'll make sure Kevin gets his proper punishment, as for you, you get a weeks detention,"

"What why?" I ask yelling

"Because you fought back," she says with an annoyed tone

"I was just defendin-"

"Doesn't matter you interacted with his behavior,"

"He triggered my bipo-"

"Thank you Luka you may leave now," I get up and slam her door open and the girl moves from being startled, I open the office door and slam it shut, and I storm back to class. I walk into the classroom, the room goes quiet as soon as I walk in. I sit down in my seat, putting my head in my arms as tears start to roll down. The classroom then became noisy again. I looked up. No one seemed to notice, and if they did, they didn't care, I put my head back into my arms. Tears roll down my face for what feels like forever. Suddenly the room goes silent again. I look up and see the girl from the counselors office, the teacher points to the desk next to mine, the only empty desk in the classroom. The girl walks over to me, I hide my face into my arms once again. I hear her sit down. As soon as she sits down the classroom fills with chatter and laughter. I realize no tears will come out so I just rest my head on my arms. I then feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I ignore it, thinking it's someone messing with me.
"Excuse me," I hear a soft voice say near me, I look up and it's the girl,

"What?" I ask

"Sorry," she says nervously

"Don't apologize, whats up?"

"What's going on here? Why is everyone-" she starts before I cut her off.

"Goofing off?" I say interrupting her

"Yeah" she says with a slight laugh.

"Cause we finished a unit yesterday, this is just a free period until tomorrow,"

"Oh okay," she says looking at the ground

"What's your name?" I ask her

"Uh-" she says but gets cut off by the bell,

"By-" I say but she had already ran out the door to get to her next class. I hear the three girls behind me laugh as they walk in front of me exiting the classroom.

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