Chapter Eight

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I sat on the bed of the hospital with a big, bright smile on my face. I tried not to get too excited as that tended to hurt where the stab wound, now a large scar, had once lied. I waited for the nurses to come in, hand me my regular clothes, and FINALLY tell me I could change and leave. My excitement to leave was immeasurable. I could go back home, see my sister, go to school, and eat normal food!

I let my feet hang over the side of the bed as I sat up and looked at the ground. A few minutes passed as I kept kicking my feet and waiting for the nurse to come. The more I waited, the more I became stuck in my thoughts. Would anyone be there to pick me up at the entrance or would I have to walk my way home? Do I even know where to go if I do need to walk all the way home?

The smile I had got wiped from my face. The nurse walks into my room while I'm still looking down at the ground. She put my clothes on the bed next to me, leaving papers on top of them. I looked over at the clothes and the papers then up at the nurse who delivered them to me. "You're brother came here to pick you up." She said. "Just fill out those sheets, get into your clothes, and you're all set!" She gave me a warm smile and left the room.

My... brother? I don't have a brother, though. They should know this, I have a sister. I filled out the papers the nurse gave me as honestly as I could and threw on my clothes as carefully as possible, putting on the brace I was told to wear on my left arm for a week or so. I took a deep breath as I walked out the door, looking around to see which way to go.

As I began walking towards the entrance, I got lost in my thoughts again. Who was this guy? Why was he claiming he was my brother? Or was it a mistake and they grabbed the wrong person? Maybe that was it and they were really going to release me at twelve like I thought they would do originally. I was so lost in my thoughts and these questions that I hadn't noticed I was already at the entrance of the hospital until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around to the sight of that boy I saw the first day I was here. I blushed at the fact someone so attractive would touch me. "I've come to pick you up, dumbass." He says.

A light bulb goes off in my head as I realize he was the one who said he was my brother. "Oh." I said. "Alright." I walked out the door at his side, trying to follow his step to his car. "What's your name?" I spat out. I covered my mouth as I realized I had practically screamed it.

He laughed and smacked the back of my head. "That's right, we've only met once before and we didn't even talk." We approached his car and I sat in the passenger's seat, buckling myself in. It would be weird if I sat in the back seat, even if I was uncomfortable with the passenger's side. I'm in high school, I shouldn't be like that anymore. "I'm Ponyboy, Ava's brother. You can call me PB. Even though I don't particularly trust you yet, Ava-bug seems to have taken a liking to you." He turned on the radio to one of my favorite stations and I smiled. "Oh, you like this?" He asked. "It's my favorite station." We stared at the road as the music played on.

The ride seemed to be kind of awkward. I looked at my lap, trying not to look out the window, as even though it was only the road, it still freaked me out. It took us driving past a small patch of trees to look up and start freaking out. 'Dammit' I thought. 'Why do I have to be this way?' I began hyperventilating, breathing in and out faster and faster. I gripped the part of my hoodie that lied above my chest as I began sweating with the overwhelming thought of it happening again flooding my mind.

I guess Ponyboy noticed what was going on because the next thing that I realized was happening was that I was throwing up on the side of the road outside of the car. 'Damn.' I thought. 'He must think I'm weird now.' When I could finally breathe, he gave me a bottle of water to drink, which I promptly gulped down.

"Wow," He says. "You really must not like car rides!"

"No..." I say back, catching my breath. "That's not it." I blushed and looked away from him. Would he ever believe me if I told him? Probably not but what else could I say?

"Then what is it?" He asks. "You just a wimp?"

"No! That's not it either." I snap back. "It's a long story to tell that I haven't even told Ava."

He scoffed at me. "Whatever. Just get back in the car and try not to throw up in my car, I just got it last week." He put his hand on my head and pushed me back into the passenger seat. The feeling of his hand on my head felt good. His touch, although he was strong and didn't like me that much, was very gentle. I closed my eyes for the rest of the ride so I wouldn't have to freak out again, falling asleep on the way.

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