Chapter Two

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I walked out of class and over to my locker, making sure to get everything I need and stuffing it in my bag. Suddenly my bag is slammed to the ground and I look to the side of me and see Kevin standing next to me. I pick up my bag and put one of the straps on my shoulder. I slam my locker shut, and speed walk to detention. I walk in and to my surprise the girl is in there. I sit next to her and she looks at me, she looks scared, I look away and look at my phone. I look at my texts, one of them is from my 13 year old sister.

"Mom's not picking me up ur going to have to," she says. I sigh and tilt my heads backwards.

"Great," I think to myself.

"Okay see you at 4:30" I send.

"Okay :)" she sends back. I turn off my phone and take out my notebook where I log my feelings for the day. Normally I do this before bed but I'm stuck in detention again so I might as well. As I write my entry in, Kevin walks in being obnoxious, and sits on the other side of the girl. I roll my eyes. Kevin noticed. He gets up and stands in front of the desk I'm sitting at,

"What?" I say aggressively.

"Oh, don't be like that," he says faking a frown, and as fast as his hands can move he grabs my notebook.

"Give it back Kevin!" I shout.

"One second," he says laughing.

"Oh how I feel so depressed," Kevin says reading my notebook out loud, "very poetic man,"

"Stop!" I shout, clenching my fists and trying not to hit him.

"Sit down Kevin! And return the notebook," the hall monitor says, "alright everyone just sit down quietly, and if you need anything I'm in the hall."

"Hey," Kevin says smiling at me as he speaks to the girl.

"Hi," the girl says softly.

"What's your name, Babe?" he says as he places his hand on her thigh. She tries to back away but the desk behind her stops her.

Her face turns a brilliant red. "Umm... Ava." She says, meekly

Kevin smiles big, "That's a cute name," Kevin says smirking at me.

"Kevin I think you should stop," I say before things get out of hand.

"I'm not doing anything Luka" he says smiling at me

"Yes you are and you know it!" I say, getting angry.

"Do you know how beautiful you look today?" Kevin says, bringing his hand up and moving her head to look at him. He moves in, putting his leg on Ava's other leg and keeping his hand on her thigh. Kevin starts pulling his face in closer to hers as she begins to look even more uncomfortable than ever.

Ava starts to cry and I notice her shaking. "Kevin stop! Leave her alone!" I shout. Finally the hall monitor comes in.

"Detention is over everyone!"

"What! An hour has already gone by?"

"It's a half hour dumbass remember?" Kevin says laughing as he grabs Ava's arm, and then go out to the hallway. I run after them as they make it out the door. I watch as Kevin pins Ava against the lockers, forcefully, making her cough a little. He grabs her hair and makes her look at him. His head leans in and they're face to face. He stares at her for a second, looking up and down as tears streamed down her face. "You're my doll now, got it?" I watched as I saw his grip get tighter on her hair as he brought his other hand up to Ava's face and rub the tears off of her face. "What's the matter, babe?" He asks in a low voice, grinning.

I don't hesitate for another second and run up and punch Kevin in the face, making him let go and look at me.

"What the fuck, man!"

"Shut up!" I yell as I grab Ava's arm and we run to the student parking lot.

"Sorry about Kevin, he's a douchebag" I say seriously.

"More like a dickhead" Ava says laughing.

"You ok?" I ask her worried about her.

"I'll be fine," she responds.

"That doesn't answer the question," I say pushing things.

"Okay! Okay! I'm embarrassed and cried so obviously not," she says very upset.

"Sorry I'm big on expressing emotions," I say to her.

"Its fine, anyway thanks for getting me out of that situation," she tells me relieved .

"No problem," I say with a smile, "you need a ride?"

"No my dads picking me up," she says smiling faintly, "so you can go ahead,"

"With Kevin still around? I'm not leaving until your dad gets here," I seriously tell her.

"Thanks," she smiles slightly bigger

"No problem," I feel a warmth in my heart as I give a small smile back. All I could do was look at her while she watched out for her dad's car when not only a few minutes later, he came by. My face dropped. "Hey," I said. "Can I get your number before you leave?"

She smiled back at me. For a moment, I felt like I was in heaven.

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