Chapter Twentyfive

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Here I stand, on this ladder of mine that I found in my closet. My dad's banging on the door. He's screaming "Let me in! Come on, fuck-head, let me in!" I can't handle all this pressure anymore. It feels like everything I do is stupid, like I'm at fault for everything that goes wrong. I can't handle these thoughts running through my head anymore, I can't handle any of it.

I'm staring at my phone, hoping a text pops up. I'm hoping that Ava texts me and this won't be the end of it. I'm hoping that she texts me and I can finally get this off my chest and I can finally feel like I'm not a fucking burden or a fuck up. Who am I kidding, though? That's never gonna happen. Everyone hates me, so in what world would Ava not be the same way? In what world would she not also hate me?

"Alright," I say to myself, placing my phone on the step of the ladder. I can still hear my dad screaming at me to unlock the door. All the words he's screaming at me, that I'm a failure and that I'm useless and should let him in because I'm getting nowhere without him, are making me feel worse about this all. He's right, though.

I step up onto the last step of the ladder, pulling on the rope to make sure it won't come down when I eventually jump into it. I take a deep breath and let it out. 'I can't believe I'm doing this,' I think. 'I'll finally be relieved of all this pain.'

As the clock chimes midnight, I jump, catching my neck in the noose I made and tied up. It tightened, choking me and refusing to let me out of it's grip. It's okay, though. This was meant to be my fate. I hear a familiar ding asI look down to the ground and see my phone beneath my feet lit up with a text from...


I could just barely read... "I love you, baby."

My face drained of color as I panicked,trying to remove myself from the position I put myself in but it was too late. I was stuck there, slipping in and out of consciousness, tears rolling down my face, until, finally, there was nothing left. My heart slowed down and stopped, I could feel my last breath leave my body before I slipped into the darkness that I would be in for the rest of eternity.

The end...

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