Chapter Fourteen

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I sat on my bed, ready wearing my black leather jacket, a white shirt, and a pair of jeans. I tied the laces to my favorite pair of converse and took a deep breath. Looking down at my phone to check the time, I smile as a little ball of excitement inside of me explodes. Today was the day. Saturday, the 11th of April, 12:00. I jumped up at the sight of the time. I had to go as it started in half an hour and I wanted to tell Ava how I felt before people started flooding in.

I rushed downstairs and into my car, making sure to find the quickest route to her house. Turning on my favorite radio station, I make sure the volume isn't too high so I can hear the GPS on my phone. It's always been her coming over to my house, I've never really been over to hers.

I followed the route exactly, making the final right turn to see Ava's house appear up on the left. I was shocked to see a couple of other cars already there when I pulled in. I parked my car and shook my head. It shouldn't be too shocking, some people like to come early. I hopped out of my car and went up to the front door, ringing the doorbell.

I stood waiting for someone to come let me in. It took quite some time. 'Maybe they're just finishing setting up.' i thought. I rang the doorbell one more time and someone finally came to the door, revealing a small group of people together, Ava included. They were all guys.

The guy that opened the door looked familiar. He looked like one of the Junior's that Kevin got to help beat me up. He scoffed at the simple sight of me.

I heard a small voice come from the small group of people ask, "Who is it?"

"It's just that one weirdo that nobody likes." The guy standing in front of me says. "I won't let him, don't worry"

As he starts shutting the door, Ava pops I out of the small group and pushes the guy out of the way gently. "Com'on, man," She said. "He's my friend." She opens the door and looks at me for a dead second with my new clothes.

'Wow,' I think. 'She looks beautiful.' I stared at her wearing her short, pink floral dress from the door for a few seconds before she eventually broke the silence.

"Why don't you come in, Luka!"

I nodded and smiled as I walked in and bumped the guy at the door with my shoulder. As I watched Ava walk back to the small group of guys she was with before, the guy who opened the door to me pulled me back. He turned me around and held me from the collar of my jacket, face to face. "You make any moves on Ava, you're dead." He declares. "I honestly don't see what she sees in you."

He lets go and walks over to the small group and begins talking with them. I all the sudden get very nervous, butterflies filling up my stomach. I can feel my body hear rising as I thought about whether I should be there or not. "Hey, Ava." I said. My face got all red as I realized how loud I said it. Everyone there was looking at me now. All, except Ava, had a face of disgust. "Where's your bathroom?"

She smiled back and came over to me. She took my hands and started leading me somewhere. "Over here!" She says, leading us to a door out of sight from the guys there. She looks at me for a second before suddenly jumping to hug me. My face turned the reddest it had ever been before. I hesitated for a bit before wrapping my arms around her. "Thank you for coming," she whispers in my ear. She lets go and I let her go back to talking to her small group of guys. I stood there for a second as a smile reappeared on my face.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Okay,' I thought to myself. 'Just gotta calm down.' I took a deep breath, turned the faucet on, and splashed my face with water. I dried off with a towel and took another deep breath, looking at myself in the mirror a bit longer when I heard the doorbell ring. I went out to investigate, opening the door to a whole crowd of people flooding in, not noticing that I was the one holding the door open. They all ran in, spreading out and almost trampling each other. Some people brought alcohol and some people brought drugs, like I'd expected. People all over were pouring cups and hitting each other up. The place quickly became full as people kept flooding in. When I'd suspected it'd stopped, I closed the door and tried making my way to Ava.

I wanted to make sure she was okay with the guys. When I'd finally found them, the guys all already had alcohol and one was laying out a line of heroin. "Come on, Ava" I heard one of them say. "It's just a little, it won't hurt you!"

Ava looked up at the guys with fear on her face. "I don't drink," She replied. "Or do drugs, I'm sorry."

I pushed my way through the crowd as I saw one of the guys shove a cup into her hands. It splashed a little on her chest so she put the cup down and trying to make her way to the paper towels she had on her counter before the guy that insisted that she drink pushed her against the wall and pinned her there.

He may have been slightly intoxicated, but not enough so he knew what he was doing as he took his hand and put it on her thigh, slowly bringing it up her leg and under her dress. He ignored her obvious discomfort as he brought his face in close to hers. He took his other hand and put it on her face. Ava had been frozen in place, unaware of what to do.

I had finally made my way there as his face drew closer to Ava's. Without hesitating, I felt the need to protect her deep inside me and pulled him back as hard as I could. I took a close look at his face to see it was the guy who opened the door earlier. I look him in the eyes. "Can't you see she's uncomfortable?" I ask him.

"What do you care?" He asks back.

I become aware of the once loud room becoming super silent. It was quiet enough where you could basically hear the silence. I loosened my grip as he grinned. The next thing I knew, he'd shoved me away and his small group of guys poured a couple bottles of alcohol on me. I was soaked. It stung my eyes, skin, and tasted awful in my mouth.

Ava rushed over to me with a wet paper towel and helped me wipe away the alcohol that was on my face. It still stung like hell and everything was super blurry but at least I could see a little bit. I finally calmed down a little bit as Ava grabbed my hand. I heard the laughter at the sight of me and some gasps at the sight of Ava leading me upstairs. I tripped on a stair but Ava helped me back up and brought me to what I assumed was her room, as it was a bright pink.

"Get out!" I heard her say. I looked over to her bed to see two blobs get up, whisper to each other, and make their way out. "Sorry, two girls were making out on my bed. Now, let's get you cleaned up."

I nod my head.

"Can you take off your shirt?" she asks.


"To clean"

"Oh..." I had forgotten for a second about my shirt and leather jacket being soaked when she asked that.

"I still have the shirt you gave me." she told me. "Here, put it on."

She tossed me my favorite shirt as I took off my leather jacket and shirt to give to her. I had trouble getting my head and arms into the right holes as everything was still noticeably blurry. When I finally got my shirt on, I grabbed my wrists. They stung even worse than anything else.

I felt Ava's small hand push me over to her bed as she put a cold, wet towel on my face. She told me to hold it there with one hand as she helped with my other wrist. We switched hands when she was done with that one and she had me lay down on her bed as she went to gather warm towels. 

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