Chapter Twenty

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I smile as I beat Kevin in the game we were playing together. I hear someone walk in and look over to see Adrian.

"Yo, wanna beer?" Kevin's friend asks Adrian.

"No thank you," He said.

I look over at Kevin to see if he knows why Adrian is here. He looks at his phone to see the time as 7:00 and freaks out. He grabs my wrist and pulls me up. "We need to go get back to my moms," He told me. I nodded my head and followed him out to the car, closing my eyes as I sat in the front seat. I kept my eyes closed for our whole ride home and listened to Kevin freak out for some of it before calming down at the realization we'd get there before 7:30.

We get out of the car and run up to the front door. Kevin tries to open it but it's locked. I sigh as he puts on a face of sudden realization and looks inside the flower pot on their porch. He pulled out a key and we walked inside. "Mom!" He said, loudly. "We're ho-"

Me and Kevin stopped dead in our tracks. Kevin's mom was making out with another man. "Who the fuck is this?" Kevin yelled. "You just got out of a relationship with dad and you're with him now?! Did you even ever love him? What the fuck does this guy have that dad doesn't?!" I walked up to Kevin and put my hand on his shoulder. He shoves my hand off of him and looks over at me. "What is it, dumb ass?"

"I- uh..."

"Spit it out! Quit your stuttering already!"

"That's my dad..."

Kevin's eyes widened as he looked at me. His face of shock quickly turned to anger, though, as he clenched his fists and walked up to me, getting his face real close. "So this is your fault, huh?" He pushes me down. I fall on his hard floors, which hurts my hands and ass.

"No!" I quickly say. "I'm just saying that-"

"I don't wanna hear it!" Kevin storms up to his room as me, his mom, and my dad all look at each other.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked his mom.

"I didn't think you would be getting home this early..." She replied.

"And you!" I yell, pointing at my dad. "You're even fucking worse!" I run outside and to my car, slamming my door after me when I get in. I put my hands on the steering wheel and squeezed it tight, hitting my head on it and screaming. My horn honks as I accidentally head on it. Tears start streaming down my face. I sat like that, crying for a few minutes before I cried myself dry of tears. I pulled out my phone and pulled up messages, opening the conversation between me and my mom.

"I'm coming home now." I sent her.

She sent a thumbs up emoji back. I started my car, sniffling as I turned the keys and listened to the car start. I squeezed the wheel tight as I pulled out from the place I was parked and drove slightly over the speed limit, trying not to slam my foot down on the gas pedal. I drive down the road and roll down my window. The wind blowing on my face and through my hair kind of calmed me down. I took a deep breath and kept driving, resisting wanting to pull over and sleep in my car for the night. I turn on the radio and turn it up loud, focusing on the road and the music for the rest of my ride home.

When I get home and park my car in the garage, I run inside and up into my room without stopping to talk to my mom or sister. I throw myself on my bed and shove my face in my pillow, letting new tears roll off my face and onto the pillow. I heard my door open and I turned over to my side, wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"Hey..." I heard a small voice say. "What happened?"

"Oh..." I reply. "Kevin just got hurt, Nel, that's all. He's okay, though." I stay turned on my side, facing my wall. I didn't want to look at Nellie, I didn't want her to see my face.

"Oh, okay." She walked out of my room, carefully closing the door behind her, leaving me to lay in my room, on my bed, alone.

I lay there, unaware of what I should do next as I drift off into a deep sleep.

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