ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ: ᴡᴇ ғιɢнт ᴀѕ ᴏɴᴇ

298 29 1

It was three o'clock in the morning when the grandfather clock started to ring with silence still lingering inside the meeting room.

Right before the clock hit three, Yongguk had just announced that someone had kidnapped Seylena.

Who was it?

Was it someone in the room?

Was it one of their enemies?

His mind continued to ramble thoughts until he kissed his teeth and slammed his hand on the table which halting the silence.

"Can I see the letter?" Himchan asked reaching his hand out to read the same contents written that Yongguk that just read in his hand.

"Why?" Yongguk wondered as his eyes roamed overglancing in Himchan's direction. Like it was stated before, he didn't trust anyone, not even his own right-hand man.

"Maybe we can have the letter analyzed to see who sent it," Himchan answered hoping that could ease the mind of his leader/friend.

However, it didn't and Yongguk never let go of the paper. Matter of fact, he clenched the paper tighter in his hands moving his eyes around the room, seeing was acting suspiciously.

But his suspicions grew when Daehyun snickered under his breath as he leaned back in his chair, kicking his feet up on the glass table. "This is absurd, Yongguk," he expressed. "It was already stated that she was done with THIS and YOU, so who would kidnap her?"

"Exactly," Jongup added. "Why are you so worried, just get another broad to take her place. There's plenty who would want to be the first lady."

A hard slam hit the table and everyone assumed that it came from Yongguk as they turned their head to look at him but it wasn't him. His eyes grew big when he glanced in the direction of the person who just slammed the table.

He even glanced down at the glass table to notice that more cracks were appearing and it wouldn't be long before the table shatter. "Instead of us going and looking for Seylena or doing what Himchan stated, you rather degrade her like she's nothing."

The person spatting at everyone was no one other than Youngjae. He stood up from the table with his hands balled up into a fist and trickles of blood seeping through. His hard slam on the glass table had caused such a split that he ended up injuring himself.

His eyes burned holes into Daehyun and Jongup who either scoffed or wave him off, denouncing his outburst. Youngjae bit the side of his mouth as he twisted his head first to Daehyun. "I can't believe you, Dae, wasn't she the one that helped you out when you were facing bullets flying towards you when we had that sudden attack on our turf? And Jon, don't get me started on your mishaps," he said.

The room filled up with laughter even the security men started to snicker thinking back regarding Jongup's mishap. "Neither one of you wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Seylena. I give that she is annoying and walks in unannounced into our meeting but when it comes to having our backs, damn right she got it no matter who it is."

Youngjae slammed his fist once again on the same so hard that this it shattered under his strength. "Yongguk, I say give the Himchan the letter and have it analyzed while we do what we're good at," he stated, causing everyone to step back from the destroyed table.

Yongguk licked his lips chuckling to himself seeing how bold his men have become in the last 24 hours. He reached into his jacket pulling out the paper that he had placed earlier before the outburst and handed it over to Himchan. "It what do we do best?" Jongup mumbled out glancing over at Youngjae who still was standing up.

Youngjae scoffed at that comment while lifting his arms to fold them over his chest. They may have been bleeding and feeling a slight bit of pain due to the embrace of glass shards still imprinted in his hands but right now he didn't care. He had the floor, "We give them hell."

I don't know but the ending felt so cheesy.

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