Episode 1, Chapter 1

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Episode 1, Chapter 1:

Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, JcbBenfro, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Kurt Hummel. Was it only a year ago our It-Boy mysteriously disappeared for quote 'boarding school'? And just as suddenly he's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves: Lucky for us, JcbBenfro sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Ben!

Kurt dodged as many suspicious eyes as he could but not everyone could be avoided including the Jewfro who never seemed to give it a rest. Kurt knew the moment he saw his face it would be game over. The milky-skinned boy dragged his Prada suitcase to the main entrance hall ready to embrace the hell he would be going through now that he returned.

The person he didn't notice also skulking around Grand Central Station was Blaine. He was with his sister Rachel. The two had just gotten off the train. Blaine's father wrapped his hands in a vice grip around his children glad that they were back after their trip to see their mother, Shelby, in Ohio.

"God, I missed you kids," he said tearing up.

"We missed you too dad," Rachel loved hugs and being missed.

"How was your mom? Good?" Burt asked him.

"She's doing well," Blaine responded.

"How 'well'?"

"The good kind dad," his son laughed. His parents had been separated ever since she'd left to go "find herself." Shelby was a free-spirit like that, but she never fully left her kids behind. They went to see her every summer since she moved. Blaine stopped in his tracks when he spotted the illusive and illustrious Kurt step onto the street just as Burt steered his kids from the outside doors to the subway entrance.

Spotted: Lonely Boy... can't believe the love of his life has returned. If only he knew who he was. But everyone knows Kurt. And everyone is talking.


Wonder what Quinn Fabray thinks. Sure, they're BFFs but we always thought Quinn's boyfriend Sam had a thing for Kurt.

Quinn got the first notification on her phone when she was in the bathroom. Her eyes widened, and she raised her head slowly to look in the mirror. She wondered what her move should be. She had thoughts for a while about what she would do if Kurt ever showed his face again. Now that it was finally real, she needed to have a clear mind.

Leaving the bathroom, she heard her mother, Judy, talking with a friend about a design plan for new-money socialite's new apartment on Fifth Avenue. Quinn barely acknowledged her mother, who reminded her not to take her designs out of their folders, and also that tomorrow Judy would be holding a photo-shoot in the second living room for Vogue Magazine.

"Yes mom," Quinn climbed the stairs with more important things on her mind. There was a party happening on the deck she still needed to get ready for.

Sam had been required to think about his future since he could form complex thoughts and sentences. So, at the party, when he asked what college he will be attending in a few years, he was ready to give the "proper" response when his father, Sandy, stepped in and took the words out of his mouth. If Sam ever told his father the truth, he would know that Sam was actually looking into modeling. But as much as Sam would love that, he knew better than to say the words out loud.

Out of nowhere, Quinn tapped him on the shoulder. Sam spun around, his slim gait moving effortlessly.

"I need to borrow you," she said simply, and Sam knew to go.

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