Episode 12, Chapter 3

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Episode 12, Chapter 3:

Aftersleeping on it, Blaine became angrier with one person in particular.

"Puck!" he called early in the morning before class. The fact that Blaine was getting Puck's attention and wanted to speak with him was surprise enough, but the determined look on his face made him wonder if Puck's future brother, Kurt, might have spilled what was supposed to be a tight kept secret just between them.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come clean and tell the headmaster that you were the one who stole the key in the first place. Kurt shouldn't go down for this. I know he didn't mean anything bad to happen, but you are a disaster waiting to happen."

"Watch your mouth, Lil' Pint. The only reason I haven't knocked you in the jaw as payment for what happened at the first party is that you're dating my future brother, but I will end you if you talk to me like that again!" he shoved him back. Blaine shoved right back.

"You think you're big and tough, but you won't own up to what you did wrong. You know that just makes you a small, scared little boy. I will fight you. You might be bigger, but I'd still win," he spoke close to his face to feel each other's breath. He might have been small, but he packed a lot of punch.

"You think Kurt's going to turn himself in?" he laughed in his face.

"He is today. He told me yesterday, and he will. He's not like you."

"Oh yes, he is. He cares about his reputation, and since he came back, it has been..." he thought for a moment before answering, "Squeaky clean. He won't give that up just yet even for you. It won't matter anyway."

"He'll do it because it's the right thing to do. And how couldn't it matter?"

"Guys like us don't get expelled, ever. Look how long Kurt lasted the first time he was here. There's no way he would have still been in school unless a few calls and donations were made. He's not like you, Blaine. He's more like me than you realize." Puck ended their brief encounter unexpectedly by pushing Blaine into the stone wall next to him, which threw him off balance.


Puck might have lied to his friend. You see, Sam got bad information from Puck, who claimed to get it from some girl Quinn was friends with, that she was going to take the blame for what happened at the pool because she felt so guilty for what happened to Tina. In Sam's mind, there was only one way to take that information i.e., what could be more Romeo than symbolically dying for her? It's not like he liked school, and he could probably get away with it by explaining that he's been feeling rebellious after the whole father-in-jail thing.

He did what he had to do. It wasn't too far from the truth as he had been there with Puck when he stole the key weeks ago. He knew what it looked like, and obviously, what it opened. The Headmaster didn't have a hard time believing it was him. At lunch, Beiste told the class the sad news that Sam was expelled.

This just in: Sam Evans = Dead man walking. We hear William McKinley has a new policy: An eye for a lie.


Quinn had been one of the first one's there with Kurt, and she knew Sam didn't come until much later. When she spotted him, he had already begun emptying out his locker.

"Why on Earth would you do that?" she asked him after the meal. She looked wild with fury. He wasn't bothered.

"I had to. I wanted to prove how much you mean to me, and I don't want you feeling guilty for what happened," he said continuing to put his stuff in his bag.

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