Episode 10, Chapter 1

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Episode 10, Chapter 1:

Hey, Upper East Siders, It's That Time Of Year Again, When The Mere Act Of Descending A Staircase Means You're A Woman. That's Right—Debutante Season. And from what we hear, there's been some changes to the lineup.

Quinn got ill just after Thanksgiving. She blamed the underdone turkey, but it was hard to say what exactly the culprit was. Regardless, she handed the duty of organizing the invitations and decorations of the debutante ball to her seconds-in-command, Brittany and Santana. She would have given the duty over to Kurt, but they hadn't spoken in a week as they stewed over their latest fight. Neither could forgive the words that were shared, and they were each waiting for the other to extend an olive branch. Unfortunately for her, when it came to the debutante ball preparations, God had been unkind.

It was Brittany's unique and peculiar thought-processes that were going to make her the laughing stock of the entire island of Manhattan. Quinn trusted them with the biggest decisions of her life, and all they could come up with were 'Dinosaurs.' In the eyes of Brittany, and Santana who followed the blonde's every whim, dinosaurs were creatures loved by all ages. They also claimed that the dinosaur theme would be attention-getting and redefine what the cotillion could be. She immediately went through the motions to change the theme before anyone ever knew, but the invitations had already been delivered and received by Manhattan's most prominent families.

Quinn would have wrung their necks, but she was stuck in bed until her fever went down. Quinn would have stayed in bed for another week feigning sickness, but the deed was done, and there was nothing to do but move on. Everyone knew this gala was Quinn's baby. The daughter of Judy Fabray, she knew how to throw a party. When her brain melted into Jell-O the week a decision needed to be made, she made a wrong call. However, if the theme was going to be dinosaurs, she would make sure it was the best dinosaur ball ever.

The third problem Quinn faced besides illness and a terrible theme was who she was taking to the debutante ball. It mattered who you walked down the steps with. The two most obvious options would not cut it. Sam and Puck were last resorts... if that.


"Puck, do you really think this is a good idea?"

"It's no problem. I told you not to come if you were going to chicken out at the last minute. You're either with me or you're not."

"It's just—can't we get in real trouble for being in here?"

"Yeah, but that's the point. I'm trying to get in trouble. I didn't get the title of 'Badass' by sitting on my hands. This will be all anyone talks about for the rest of the year."

"This was a bad idea then. You know that ever since my dad got thrown in prison, they haven't left my family out of the papers."

Puck finally stopped what he was doing and turned to look at his best friend.

"This will be great for you... Evan."

Things had gotten weirder with Sam recently. After his family was thrown into shambles, Sam created a unique identity with his smarter alter-ego twin, Evan. It could only have been caused from the post-traumatic stress he had undergone since his life turned upside down. The stress had released a pretty bizarre coping mechanism to get him through it.

"Look Evan," Puck stuttered on the name. He was trying to be supportive of his friend and not ruin the only thing that was keeping his friend together, but it was getting pretty tiresome to keep his fantasy alive. "Can I get Sam back for a minute?"

"Yeah sure, I'll go call him. He's waiting in the car," Sam, who was currently 'Evan' who wore fashion glasses and a cardigan tied around his neck, ran away. Only two second later, he returned as glasses-less and sweater-less Sam. Puck frustratedly put down the tool he was using to try and jimmy open the locks to the door of the school pool.

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