Episode 10, Chapter 3

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Episode 10, Chapter 3:

"A stroll through the park, I didn't know you could be so thoughtful."

"Well I'm full of surprises," Finn had called her way before she presumed their date would start. She'd just stepped out of her dress after Blaine left the house after their early talk about her date. He'd called to tell her to meet him on the bridge in Central Park. There was only one she could imagine that he meant. Finn also wrote for her to look nice so she did. She'd put on the dress she'd picked out while visiting her mom in Ohio over the summer. The thrift shop there had a beautiful baby blue vintage cowl-neck dress that she wore with a chignon bun and champagne heels. [New York] He'd dressed in a suit for the non-occasion occasion.

"You've got me all dressed up. What's this about?"

"I didn't want you to feel bad that you weren't going to the debutantes' ball, and I figured getting dressed up with me would be almost worth it."

"Oh no, you didn't have to do that. You don't understand. I wanted to go out with you tonight. I knew I wouldn't be able to go there, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere right now but with you," she smiled deeply in his eyes. He kissed her, and she didn't shy away from the public display. When they were ready, he walked alongside her.

Finn guessed where she'd want to go for dinner, considering her long history with Broadway. For the theater greats, the best place to go was Sardi's on 44th Street in NYC. While they waited for their table to be ready, he picked her up a tote bag and a mug. The pasta would have been the best part of the meal if Rachel hadn't seen a certain icon across the room.

"Oh my gosh, is that—yes it is! Oh my gosh, what is she doing here? I have to say hi," this person she was going Gaga over was in fact THE Patti LuPone. Of course, even though their meal had just begun, she walked over to confess her love and admiration for the ultimate star. Finn tagged along behind. Once she'd spoken and thankfully not made a fool of herself, they both returned to their table. Rachel couldn't stop talking about it the rest of the dinner. Finn had a whole lot of learning to do. He came back to the table desperate to ask her who that was. Rachel forced herself to hold her tongue in a public space.


No one called on Quinn, and while she held out as long as she could, when the final hour came, she had to call Sam back.

"Hello Quinn, it's a pleasure that you called. I'll inform Sam that you're hear," he answered the phone, and while the voice sounded familiar, the accent was strange and the words were un-Sam like. Quinn held the phone confused for a moment, but Sam got back on the line.

"Hey Quinn so what's up?" he sounded out of breath.

"I-um-I was calling you back to take you up on your offer. We should probably go to the ball together as friends if you're still interested."

"Yes, absolutely yes! I'll come by to pick you up and everything," he sounded too enthusiastic. She thought he might have been having a heart attack.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I need to go tell Evan to get my suit. See you later," he called hanging up.

Quinn thought to herself, who's Evan?


Everything was going well for Blaine now that he was confident. He would do what he must to be Kurt's date. These types of places strangely had very bad security, and if you dressed the part, you could waltz into the party through the kitchens with ease. Gossip Girl could have been by the cupcake bar. Blaine needed to find Kurt as soon as possible. He walked the circle of the ballroom before finding Santana, seeing her not with Brittany was almost unsettling. Santana wore a red Dalia MacPhee one shoulder ruffle gown and looked stunning. [Prom-a-saurus]

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