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So I realized I haven't updated in a while. And well yEet yeah lol okay so I've been getting huge urges to run away to forests and live there but at the same time I know I would never survive. I would be worried about bugs and spider webs and getting eaten and hidden animals and slivers and food and purified water etc. etc. soooo I can't do that.
Some more updates; I am going to try reality shifting to a made up place. I also did a past life regression and I was a fairy?? But died as a human???? I was a fairy with green clothes and green and pink wings and wavy, light blonde hair with light pink streaks. I had shoes like tinkerbell but more advanced. The animals there were weirdly patterned and colored with purple and blue. Then the regression said to skip to an important time in your past life and I was still a fairy but dancing around a little place with water in the middle of a forest, with pink flowers and plants. My house was just outside that forest and there was a stream with a bridge over it at the end of the forest close to my house. But when it said go to the place you died, I was the same human that I saw the first time I did the past life regression, clothes made out of animal fur, I had long, brunette hair and was dieing of sickness in the snow, alone.
I still do think I'm a wolf, maybe one with wings. It's all confusing. But there's a blue moon on Halloween that I'm excited for. I love the moon. It makes me happy and grateful. I feel safe when just looking at a full moon. I don't know why.
Otherkin day is on the first full moon of November if you didn't know. It's been like that for a long time but not many otherkins even knew. So otherkin day is on November 1.
I'm also doing reality shifting. I am planning my script. I'm doing it so I can be my kintype but actually. And why not? I have learned a lot. -well maybe not a lot but I learned some things-
I'm now really wondering why for a day I believed the person that said subliminals don't work. I've even experienced it!! I have experienced so many results from subliminals it's kinda crazy. The first one I ever did was the wolf one. I got results within the first week. The second I remember getting obvious results from is I did one to be talented and get good grades and I got all As and A+s on an essay (maybe a story, I'm not sure) a couple days after listening. The teacher really liked it! And no it's not normal for me to get all As on an assignment especially an essay lmao. I recently got really good results from an energy subliminal and one for being happy and confident. So yes, they work.
Wow I ramble a lot, I'm sorry about that.
This draft was created back in October but it's currently November 3, 2020 yes.... election day.

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