The Dead Flowers

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Hey guys!!! First official book! I hope you guys enjoy it, I have a lot planned for this book so stay updated. I'll post as much as I can when I can!!! Enjoy!!!


        Darkness. That's all I can see. I can't feel anything, see anything. Yet, I feel calm. I feel warmth. As if someone had put a heated blanket on top of me, wrapped around me. Where am I?
         "You're safe." A deep voice says to me. Who is that? Who are you? Where am I? "I'm someone you'll see soon. You're in my arms. You're with me." Wait, what? Dad?
           I hear the voice laugh then quiets. "No, I'm not your father. You'll know soon enough my love. For now I must say goodbye. Until we meet." Until we meet? What the hell is going on? And why does your voice sound so serene to me? Like soft music?
             Hello? No answer. Are you still here? Still no answer. Suddenly it gets ice cold. Then nothing.

          "Wake up stupid! You're gonna be late meeting the league! Shigaraki will be pissed if you're late!" My dad yells throwing my blanket off of me. I groan from the cold, "Dad, how did you get into my apartment?" I ask groggily. "Like always, you left it unlocked. You really need to start locking your door Kayda or someone can come in and-" "and murder me in my sleep or worse yeah yeah, I know." I groan out to my dad.
           I finally sit up and stretch my arms out. Still waking up, I watch my dad grab some clothes from my closet and toss them on my bed.
          "Do you have anything other then black and red?"
           "No, not really but I do plan on getting some new clothes soon."
            "When? I'll go with you if you'd like." My dad turns around and smiles at me. What a dufus. His smiles always creep people out. He's still getting used to smiling to people. Even tho it's been over 17 years.
              "I was actually planning on going with Toga. Have a small girls night with her." I say sheepishly. Dad doesn't like Toga very much. Mainly because she's 16 and I'm 20 and she's a bit of a psychopath; but he can't say much considering my 'uncle' is Shigiraki. Him and my dad kinda grew up together when they were both out on the streets barely living.
              He swears Shiggy loves him even tho even I know he is annoyed of my dad all the time from the stories my dad has told me.
            "Oh okay, that might be good for you actually. Considering she's in the league, that might help. I know you guys have only been friends for a few months since I introduced you guys, but maybe getting closer to her now that you'll be in the league soon might be helpful.
  "Helpful to what?"
     "Well, let's say when things start with those bastard hero's and you need backup, you have allies.  She can be one." I think about it for a second. "Yeah that's true. Okay leave so I can change. I'll meet you there at the bar." "You sure you know where you're going?" I laugh as I'm pushing my dad out of the door. "Yes dad, I know where I'm going now go." He starts laughing as he's finally out the door.
"Okay okay, I love you. Now drive safe dipshit." I smile at him. "I love you too old timer." He give me a face all dramatic as he gasps then says, "I age like fine wine baby! Fine wine!" I start to laugh at my dad. "Okay sure dad, see you there."
He finally leaves after waving goodbye. I shut the door and lean against it and sigh. Today is the day I meet the league. Today is the day I decide if I really want to be apart of the war that's coming with the villains and hero's.

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