Get On Your Knees

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Get On Your Knees
written by TDDM Coley

Life has a way of sending us rough rides, strong winds, and hard blows.  It seems like as humans our natural tendency is to try to steel up and keep on standing against whatever it is that is trying to knock us down.  But maybe we have the wrong attitude about dealing with our problems.

Ephesians tells us to put on the full armor of God so we can stand our ground.  But rather than trying to remain on our own two feet, what if "standing our ground" means getting on our knees?

Whether you get on your knees literally or figuratively, it's important to always turn to God when life sends a bowling ball your way to knock you down.  I challenge you to take 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to heart, and stay in an attitude of prayer so that you'll remain connected with the One Who gives us the strength to make it through any storm in life.

Never stop praying. ~1 Thessalonians 5:17

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