Play-Doh People

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Play-Doh People
written by Pastor Glenn Dawes

Ok, maybe you’ve outgrown this stuff or maybe you haven’t but there’s just something about mushing your fingers around in Play- Doh.   What you can mould, shape and create is only limited to your imagination and creativity.

Where am I going with this? Well, each one of us need to pay close attention to how we’re getting shaped. In a way, our lives are like Play-Doh.  We’re all being shaped and moulded in some way.  What are you putting yourself in front of? What ideas and thoughts are you opening yourself up to? What do you absorb?  What do you dabble in and experiment with?  

God designed us to be pliable and to be shaped by something.   We live in a world that wants to shape and conform us.  God’s heart is for us to be shaped by Him and the ways of His Kingdom.

Remember Isaiah 64:8?  “Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

Being a Play-Doh person shaped by God is great but we need – here comes the S word – SURRENDER - to allow Him to work in all those areas of our lives.  If He is going to mould things like truth, love, peace, patience, justice, goodness, there’s going to be some tearing down.  There’s going to be some stretching, rebuilding and a transforming process happening. 

While there’s a forming into what God wants us to be, there’s a world enticing us to “experience life” and all it has to offer.  The draw of the world is a draw away from God and the things of God and make no mistake that current is a strong flow.

God’s Word teaches us that one of the main ways we are influenced and drawn by the world is by our thinking. What we think about eventually becomes what or whom we set our hearts on. This means that our ways of thinking have to be reshaped to get in line with the ways of God.

Check Romans 12:2  “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Now there’s and entire sermon series in itself.

Reality check time – We Play-Doh people can’t change ourselves. Someone must shape us.  If we don’t allow God to do the transforming, the world will do it for us. 

My prayer for you is that you will step up and allow God to be your Transformer.

Now you’re asking how do I let God transform me?

Get as much of God as you possibly can.  Get hungry for Him and spend time in the Word.  It’ll mould and shape you.  It’ll take root in you and grow.  It’ll start to define who you are.   Shut out all the crazy busy of the world and get serious one on one time with God.  Sit with Him, pour out your stuff with Him, and walk through your garbage and baggage with Him.  Make life conversation. Be real.  

Allow yourself to be shaped and moulded – don’t miss out on God’s best for you even when you can’t see the big picture or understand the plan.  God is out to make you whole.   This world sells you wholeness but can’t deliver. Choose to be transformed today and every day!

Pastor Glenn

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