Dad Breaks The Chains

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Dad Breaks The Chains
written by Pastor Glenn Dawes

The Gospel message is good news.  In fact, it’s the most awesome news that’s ever been given to the human race. Why? Because the news is that God has broken the chains that sin had on you and I.

The death sentence that we were all born under has been lifted and through personal faith in Jesus Christ, we are declared forgiven and have perfect standing with God – amazing!

God wants to set us free to live the incredible life He designed us to live, yet sadly so many people live outside of it.  They totally miss out on what God has for them.  They don’t experience a relationship that is beyond words.

So who are you?  God chose you and wants to adopt you as His child.  Yes, the Creator and Owner of everything in earth and in Heaven, the CEO of the angel armies, the one who can speak anything into existence and drop the enemy with a single word loves you.  Yes – YOU. He is proud to call you His.

He loves you so much that if you give your life to Him, He will actually move into you through His Holy Spirit so that He can be close to you and walk with you through every second of your day.  When you feel alone – you’re not, because He’s there.  When you’re hurting, He hurts too. His heart aches to be your Daddy- your Abba. There’s nothing more powerful in the universe than that and there’s no relationship that can compare to it.  You have 24/7 access to Him and all He has is yours.

Romans 8: 15-17 “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”

Now there’s something the enemy doesn’t want you to know.  He’d rather have you wallowing and dumpster diving in life’s hurt, brokenness and the sewage the world pumps at you every day.   God on the other hand wants you to grasp and understand the reality of who you are – a child of the King.  He wants your life to be an amazing daily discovery of what that means and to actually live out that identity.  He wants you to behave out that identity – not because you “should”, but because it’s who you are.

How do children of royalty act?  Do they have to earn or re-establish their royalty every day? Does Prince William get up in the morning and have to tell his wife who he is? No.  He knows that he is the heir to the throne and the position he holds. 

Focus on being a child of the King.  You are seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6).  His love for you will never change and there’s nothing you could say or do to change his opinion of you.  If you know that you are a child of a righteous King and that’s what you focus on, you’ll become what you focus on.  Your priorities will shift and you will start to live like the child of the King that you are.

As you read this, perhaps life has given you a beat down.  Maybe you’ve even given yourself a beat down.  Can I leave you with this challenge and encouragement?

Every morning before you start your day, spend some time reminding yourself of who you are and what it cost God to make you His child.  Remind yourself about how He feels about you – not other people. Think of the access you have to Him and the resources you have in Him.   Plug into Him all day, tune out the world’s trash and walk in the fullness of who He has declared you to be.

Let Dad break those chains!

Blessings always,

Pastor Glenn

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