A Piece Of God Within Brings Peace

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A Piece Of God Within Brings Peace
written by Pastor Glenn Dawes

Flip on CNN or any news channel and you’ll see pretty quick that we live in a world where there is very little peace.  World leaders hold “peace conferences” and “peace accords”.  They spend billions in strategies trying to put together peace agreements that are no more than band aid solutions that come apart at the seams no sooner than the ink dries.

People spend their lives struggling and groping in the dark trying to find peace.  Maybe that’s exactly where you’re at today.  Maybe you’re reading this and you are in a dark place.   Yes, we live in a broken messed up world where there are more questions than answers.  There are more problems than solutions the braniacs can come up with but in it all there is great news and there is hope!

For a Christian, it means you have an Abba – a heavenly Father – a Daddy who is bigger and more powerful than anything life can throw at you.  Bigger than anything anybody can do or say to you.  Did you know that you don’t have to crawl out of bed in the morning and just try to survive your day? You can live without the weight of worry and stress on your shoulders.  You can walk through life light and burden- free even when you have problems. Even when everything seems to be falling apart around you.

Yeah, I know, right about now you’re thinking “Pastor Glenn, you don’t know me or my situation, get in the real world already”. 

This I do know.  There is very real enemy hard at work to destroy you and take you out but there is also the reality of the incredible and abundant life that God wants to experience and live in.  There is a place designed for you that you can step into where every burden falls away.  The moment you believe that God is bigger than all you face and that He will take care of you – the moment you step under His protective wings – the weight of your burdens diminish.  It’s like you have this ever-present bomb shelter. No matter what grenades life throws at you – ripping, shattering, destroying, and causing you pain – you can come to God, trust that He has your back, He is going to take care of you, and have peace in Him

John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Psalm 4:8  “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.”

Check out one of my favs - Psalm 91

Guys, God wants us to live worry free.  Check out what Jesus had to say about it in Matthew 6 or how Paul lays it out in Philippians 4. 

Your heavenly Father has things under control.  He always has and He always will.  Your part is to give up control to His control.  Can I encourage you today to stop struggling as if you were on your own, as if life depends on you making things happen.  Take your struggles, your worries, the baggage and the stuff that’s gnawing you up.  Go one on one with Him.  Really open up and talk to Him about it.  Wait in His presence until the peace comes.  He’s watched you struggle and He longs for you to rest in Him.  He doesn’t want you to live any other way.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Blessings always,

Pastor Glenn

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