Chapter THREE

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James POV

"GO BULLDOGS!!!" I wave my arms in the air frenziedly shaking the pink and white pom poms. I finish the cheer with as much enthusiasm as I can with my bum leg and sore shoulder.

I take a small bow when a small round of giggles and applause rises. My audience includes two sisters of the pack Kayla whose twelve years old and Kiki whose five.

On my way to my room I passed the living room and overheard Kayla crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she was going to get kicked off her cheerleading squad at school because her coached said she lacked "Spirit". I then proceeded to tell her that I was the KING of Spirit and that I can show her how to exude pep. A complete and total lie but I wanted to get her smiling. Next thing I knew I was doing a random cheer that just popped into my head. A little embarrassing but I would do anything for the kids and I'm a total push-over when it comes to women of any age crying.

I wobble over to them and sit next to them on the couch where I left my crutches "See Kayla you're always perfect and amazing to me but you're going to have show a little more pep if you want that spot on the team."

Kayla instantly sobers and hangs her head down "I don't know James what if I can't-"

"Nope" I wave my arm cutting her off "I don't want to here it. You can do anything you set your mind to ok?" I'm a strong believer that kids can accomplish some great things if you don't kill the fire in them like so many adults do.

"Isn't that right Kiki?"

"That's right Kay-Kay you can do it" The five year old nods her head vigorously.

Kayla sniffs and lift her eyes to me and I can see tears brimming. "You think so?"

"Of course I do"

She smiles and gives me a hug which I return and soon Kiki joins in.

I hear a throat clearing from the entrance of the living room and we all look over to the noise.

Amber is leaning against the door jam with a smirk on her face.

Hopefully she didn't see-

"I didn't know you cheered James."

Yep she saw it all. My face heats up and I'm sure I'm all shades of red. The girls giggle at my reaction.

I clear my throat "Well you see I was um......"

Amber walks into the room. "It's fine I think a man that secure in his manhood is extremely sexy." I can see a glimmer of lust in her eyes.

"Ooooooooh." The girls say in unison and giggle more.

Amber seems to catch herself and glances at the girls, now her face is red "I meant extremely cute."

I laugh at her blush and use my crutches to get off the couch. "Alright girls it's time for me to go get some rest."

"Aww do you have to?" Kayla pouts.

"One more cheer" Kiki looks at me expectantly.

"Sorry ladies but I have to get this guy to bed. Sleeps going to help him heal. You want him to get better don't you?"

"Yes Alpha" Kayla answered while Kiki just nodded her head.

"Don't worry I'll come looking for you later this week to see how cheer practice goes."  I say as we make it to the door.

Amber looks over her shoulder" You two be good ok?" She gives them a semi-stern look.

"We will" they answer in unison looking like innocent angels. I can practically see the halos.

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