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"How's his progress Soobin?" Soobin's partner for the project, Jeno, asked.

"Thanks to Aki's help, his memories are finally resurfacing. The fluids in his brain seems to be chemically balanced as well," Soobin pondered out loud as Jeno nodded in agreement.

"Seems to me that he's recovering from past traumas don't you think?" Jeno asked in amazement.

"Don't be too fascinated Jeno, we're literally using our friends for one of our Psychology projects. It's better to take this as the chance to heal them," Soobin nagged his partner who smiled sheepishly.

"Yes Mister Choi," Jeno snickered as he earned a loud and most certainly, painful slap on the arm from Soobin himself.


"You have 45 minutes left"

Aki pulled away from Yeonjun's embrace as she held the paper up for the both of them to read.

What do you think might come about next in your history with the person sat across you?

Yeonjun remained crouched down as Aki read the question aloud. His mind felt hazy from everything that was uncovered for him.

Aki turned to face Yeonjun, his height tall enough for her to read his eyes.

"Why don't you ever open up to me Yeonjun?" Aki asked him, only for Yeonjun to look away.

"I wanted to carry my own baggage. Knowing you, you had enough on your plate," Yeonjun muttered as he abruptly stood up.

"But we're supposed to face the shit life throws at us together," Aki argued back as she stood up from her seat.

"What difference does this make now Aki? I'd only drag you down with me. You loving me was more than I could ever ask from you," Yeonjun said with his back facing her.

"Because after everything that has happened, you're the one that I want. Literally, everything that I want," Aki said quietly as she etched closer to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun remained still, his breath hitched as he felt her sudden warmth radiating behind him.

"So to answer this question Soobin, I have no fucking clue about what may come about next in of our history. But I'm certain- certain that I don't want to let Choi Yeonjun slip through my fingers again,"

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