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"What are you talking about Aki?" Yeonjun furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked intently at Aki.

"Would you like me to enlighten you?" Aki asked before taking his hands into hers.

Yeonjun stared at their hands confused, his brows still furrowed as he tried to recall what Aki was talking about.


"Aki! Aki!" Yeonjun banged his fists on her apartment door.

Aki sat up almost immediately, shocked at the sudden banging on her door. It was no surprise to who was causing a ruckus by her door at 3:30 AM.

The banging on the door stopped the moment she shuffled her way to her front door. Swinging open the door, she came face to face with the man she loved.

His state was off, his eyes bloodshot from crying as his eyebags weighed his dark circles heavily.

Before Aki could react, Yeonjun pressed his lips onto hers. It wasn't the love-induced kiss he always gave her.

It was almost as if it was their last.

Yeonjun pulled away before resting his forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry Aki," Yeonjun said in a small voice, his breath shaky before he collapsed in her arms.

"Junnie? Come on Yeonjun, get up!" Aki frantically said as she finally noticed his lips turning blue.

Yeonjun lay unconscious in her arms as Aki tried pulling him up. Tears streamed down her face as she fumbled around for her phone, calling Soobin at that.

"S-Soobin, he's done it again," Aki stuttered in between tears as soon as her best friend picked up.

"I'm on my way,"

Aki cried helplessly as she put two fingers on his neck, checking if he still had a pulse.

She let out a sigh of relief once she realised he was still breathing. She quickly retrieved her car keys from her apartment before mustering all her strength in carrying him down.

"Please stay alive for me Yeonjun,"

YEONJUN | ROOM ✓Where stories live. Discover now