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"Come on Aki, let me help you?" Yeonjun asked softly as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist.

"Yeonjun I'm busy," Aki huffed out in annoyance as she wriggled out of Yeonjun's embrace.

"I know Aki, but can't you let me help you just this one time?" Yeonjun pouted slightly yet Aki shook her head again.

"I can't mess this up Yeonjun," Aki spat out as she scrambled around her apartment in frustration.


"Yeonjun can't you see that I'm busy? I'm not privileged like you so please, for the love of God, fuck off?" Aki screamed as she threw her notes at the wall, stress and guilt dawning upon her as she looked up at her boyfriend.

"Yeonjun I'm so-"

"I get that you're stressed. So am I. If you think I'm privileged, you've just stepped all over my hard work for the past 2 years in this damn college. I just wanted to help you Aki, was I really being that annoying?" Yeonjun said in a low tone, hurt dripping from every word he said.

"I'm just tired Yeonjun, I didn't ask for your help!" Aki retorted back, her stubbornness replacing the guilt she felt before; only for Yeonjun to scoff in disbelief.

"Who the fuck are you? What have you become Aki? What did I do so wrong that made you treat me like your personal punching bag?" Yeonjun cried out, his tears spilling out uncontrollably.

Aki stood in front of him, guilt finally dawning upon her as she stared into his soulless eyes.

"I've been dealing with your insensitive ass for the past year and there's no more love in you. What happened to the Aki I fell in love with five years ago?" Yeonjun asked in between sobs, unable to bring his head up.

Before Aki could respond, Yeonjun had already grabbed his bag before putting on his shoes.

"Where are you going?" Aki muttered out worriedly, her eyes bloodshot from her silent crying.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm done with us Aki, I'm tired," Yeonjun choked out before slamming her apartment door on his way out.

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