Chapter 8: Changed

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Aliza laid on the ground with confusion. She finally had a chance to rest from all the killing that has been done to her.

"Sans," Aliza thought. He wasn't anything she imagined him to be. Sure, her mother had to have fallen here but what happened. Did the monsters make her leave? Did they try to kill her too?

The ability Aliza had that she never had before, Sans had called it a reset. She never imagined going back in time but her mother mentioned it once.

The vase made a loud crash when it hit the ground. Her mother quickly rushed into the room and looked at Aliza. Worried was all over her mother's face.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Her mother asked as she rushed over to Aliza's side. Tears threatened Aliza's mad. Aliza had no doubt in her mind that her mother was going to be mad at her.

"I only tripped and I fell and I hit it and-" Aliza had said quickly but was cut off by her mother studying the small girl's face. Aliza bit her bottom lip to stop herself from the tears that kept threatening her.

"Aliza, are you hurt?" Her mother asked yet again. Aliza tried to ignore the cut on the back of her leg but the tears stop threatening as they fell down her cheeks.

"M-my leg hurts. I didn't mean to." Aliza mumbled as she threw her small arms in her mother's direction. Her mother seemed calm as she rubbed Aliza's back.

"Shh, it's ok. I can fix the vase with a bit of glue." Her mother mumbled in Aliza's ear. Her mother continued to rub the young girl's back.

"I wish I could go back in time so your leg wouldn't have hurt." Her mother mumbled. The young girl kept crying with the fears crawling all over her like a snake slithering.

Is this what her mother was referring to? Was her mother able to go back in time? The thing was, her mother barely had any scars. Except for that one scar on her mother's left arm.

"Aliza?" A familiar voice said. Aliza turned her attention to where the voice came from and saw Flowey.

"Flowey? Your ok?" Aliza mumbled as she sat up. Her eyes scanned Flowey. He looked better than he was when they met.  She gave him a soft smile.

"I am alright but I am not too sure about you," Flowey told Aliza. Aliza looked at Flowey with confusion. What does he mean by this? 

"What makes you say that?" Aliza asked. Aliza felt a shiver go down her spine. Was someone watching her.

"I see that you got caught up with the skeleton brothers. I wouldn't trust them if I was you." Flowey said. His voice sounded so shakey. Something Aliza could tell was fear.

"Why shouldn't I trust them? They knew my mother." Aliza told the yellow flower before her. Flowey looked up at Aliza. Aliza already knew why she shouldn't trust them. They already killed her countless times.

"Is your mother's name Frisk by any chance? If so, Sans and Papyrus we're good guys when she fell." Flowey told Aliza. Aliza couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

"Frisk is my mother," Aliza told Flowey. Flowey's eyes widened, Aliza gave Flowey a hug.

"Aliza, they will kill you if you stay near them! I don't want you to get killed." Flowey chirped. Aliza knew Flowey was right. Sans killed her countless times.

Sans threw the table that was recently put in his room. Things were so simple before she fell. The Underground had food, humans weren't food, all they needed was seven human souls. King Asgore was still alive. What changed? Was it him? Was it multiple things?

The other monsters blamed Frisk. They say that she was an angel that fell from the lands above. She listened to them and she helped them through their issues. Frisk truly was an angel until the end. She killed Asgore then abandoned the monsters, never to return to them.

For the longest time, Sans refused to believe Frisk would never return. As these cruel years went on, the more he believed that Frisk wasn't coming back. Now he knows that Frisk has a daughter with some unknown male. Whatever happened to that male wasn't Sans's business but he couldn't help but wonder.

Sans wondered what way would be the best way to kill this human that got his Frisk pregnant with a look alike. Sans growled as he sat on his bed. Would Frisk dare to set foot into the underground any time soon? Her chances of leaving now are close to impossible unless she does what it is said she did before.  But if she comes and gets Aliza, it would be completely impossible for them to leave.

Frisk would become a target for the monsters in Snowdin if she did show up. They would want to eat her. Would he allow it? No, he wouldn't.

"Sans!" A familiar voice boomed. Sans stood up. What she back in his territory? Sans walked out of his room and looked down on his brother and the female that was now in his house.

"You better have a reason for being in this house, Alphys. Undyne wouldn't like it." Sans told Alphys while he was trying to calm himself. Papyrus and Alphys don't need to know about his anger even though Papyrus alright heard it.

"I do. I have an idea on how to fix all of this. I told Undyne about it but I need you to come with me." The yellow lizard told Sans. What could this dino even have to even fix any of this? He needed time to think about this but Alphys was in danger while she is in his territory.

"Where would we go?" Sans asked. He needed to know. Frisk would of followed Alphys without question. Sans then realized that he had become obsessed with the idea of Frisk. Truth be told, he doesn't know how he would actually respond to seeing her again. He knew his sanity was slipping and he knew he longed to see Frisk again. He knew Aliza could be the answer to seeing his human again.

"Just a walk through the woods of Snowdin." Alphys told Sans calmly. Sometime wasn't right with Alphys, at least not anymore. The fact Sans hasn't eaten in a few days really is something. That reminds him, what has Aliza eaten?

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