q u a r a n t a­ t r é

448 9 2

11:28 p.m. 

@sunshinydays: with my favorite boys ! 

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@sunshinydays: with my favorite boys ! 

tagged: @thatghostkid, @tinyscreamingbean, @stormyjason


@thatghostkid: i loooove youuuu

     @sunshinydays: i love you, too, baby. <3

@itssthalia: watch me cry in single ^^

@piedpiper: i feel lmao ^

@zhaaang: be careful & have fun guys! 

@tinyscreamingbean: willlllll, can we go get monsters pls

     @thatghostkid:OMG WILL PLS

     @sunshinydays: why tf are you both commenting, i'm right next to you????

     @sunshinydays: and no???? it's 11?????? 

     @tinyscreamingbean: nico ur boyfriends boring 

    @thatghostkid: BABE PLSSSSS

@sunshinydays: i am surrounded by children. 

            comment liked by itssthalia and 3,582 others. 

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