q u a r a n t a q u a t t r o

452 8 5

12:42 p.m. 

@seaboy: dad's angry today

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@seaboy: dad's angry today. 

location: atlantis. 


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** new direct message from thatghostkid!

( 12:45 p.m. ) thatghostkid: that's bold. 

( 12:45 p.m. ) thatghostkid: that's REAL bold. 

(12:47 p.m. ) seaboy: what do you want me to do, nico? i've tried everything i swear to the gods!

(12:50 p.m. ) thatghostkid:  i think that you and i know very damn well that that is bullshit. you can start "fixing" shit by not ignoring jason anymore and fucking talk to him. he has holed himself out in his cabin whenever he's here, and if he's not, he's on leo's couch drinking. look, i love you man, you know i do, but jason is my best friend and it hurts to see him like this. i've spent more time in leo's apartment in the past two weeks than i have at camp. i haven't seen will in four days and it's starting to irk me a little bit. 

( 12:52 p.m. ) thatghostkid: so yeah, your dad has every right to be mad, at what, i dont know. but this is on you, percy. this is up to you to fix what you've done and own up to it. you broke his heart. i understand that you're happy with annabeth, but it doesn't excuse what you've done to him. i've lost him, percy. i don't know who he is anymore, and all i want is for him to get better and for you two to get along again. 

( 12:57 p.m. ) seaboy: i don't know if i'm happy with her anymore, nico.


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