c i n q u a n t a ­d u e

454 10 0

9:43 a.m.

@sunshinydays: i swear nico takes creep shots of me

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@sunshinydays: i swear nico takes creep shots of me. 

tagged: @thatghostkid  @stormyjason


@thatghostkid: you know it baby

@stormyjason: uh rude, i was there with you guys

     @thatghostkid: YEAH WILL

     @sunshinydays: SORRY HOLD ON

@itssthalia: wtf is going on 

@piedpiper: ^^

@thatghostkid: dw guys, lmao

@hazelnut: WILL I LOVE YOUR FIT!!!

     @sunshinydays: THANK YOU HAZELLLL!

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