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Hello there, my name is Alma LeFay Peregrine. I have about ten children and (secretly) hate almost all of them.
You might be wondering- 'oh Alma, why do you hate your children? They can't be that bad!' Let me just set the scene for you...

I was in the bath reading one of my favorite books. The name is uhm- not important.
Anyway, I was relaxing when all of a sudden I hear a huge crash coming from downstairs. Obviously I jump out, quickly dry off, and slip on a dress before running down.
I see my children running around the house like a bunch of hooligans!
"CHILDREN!" I practically burst every eardrum in the loop.
They all froze with fear (As they should).
Bronwyn stepped up and told me about the broken window in the parlor. I told them to clean up the mess and think about what they did. Then, went upstairs and finished my bath (although, the water was already ice cold).

Loop Life According To Alma LeFay PeregrineWhere stories live. Discover now