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I opened my eyes and rolled over in my bed, trying to get myself situated. Somethings off though...When did Claire get here?!
She was asleep next to me. I let out a sigh and pulled her closer. She's one of my favorite children and I honestly didn't mind the company. Sleeping has been a struggle for me recently, I keep having flashbacks.

I heard Claire mumbling in her sleep.
I tried to make out what she was saying but it was almost impossible. Then she started tossing and turning quite violently.
"Claire, my darling I'm here." I tried waking her. Eventually she opened her eyes and looked at me. "Miss peregrine, it was awful! They hurt you!" She said with tear filled eyes. I looked down at the little girl that was clinging onto me, seemingly for dear life, and gave her a smile. "No one is hurting anyone if I have anything to say about it."

Loop Life According To Alma LeFay PeregrineWhere stories live. Discover now