welcome to the family

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Im so happy you guys found your call! said Susan hugging sunny Rebecca and Ryan, us two said the three harelings. wow... that's why the harelings were in our kingdom! she was looking for her family! and they were all only children! said peach tearing up, yeah! and they are nothing like how you explained them bowser! said daisy glaring at bowser, OK! mabye i did over-exaggerate but it was still a good song! Mario the walked over to the harelings and said um hello there im Mario and i just wanted to say........CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE US! said Mario tearing up as he remembered all the times the thought the harelings were monsters. hehe! its ok mustache man! said sunny, heh i like this kid already! said sonic giving a wink to sunny, poyo! said kirby agreeing. you guys were right! everybody here is super nice! once you get to know them! said sunny, come on you guys we better get going home! said Susan, aw man but im getting tired of living in that dirty old forest! said Rebecca, Yeah! i want to live in a place like this! said Ryan, come on you guys be thankful for what you have! said Susan crossing her arms. WAIT! Rebecca is right, it must be really bad living in that old forest said orange, well i guess i have to agree said Susan, all the other harelings back at home are also getting sick of it! well since we are all bestfriend now im not gonna let my species live in a dirty old forest! said blue, that is why we are bringing you all to your new home's in our world! said Callie, so you guys better tell every other hareling and pack your bags! said Marie. The harelings were stunned and started tearing up, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF OUR LIVES! said the four harelings screaming with excitement.

and things were quite different in inkopolis that day, nobody ever really captured a hareling that day, it was more like..... the harelings captured our hearts.

                                                                            the end.

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