Chapter 5: Mourning

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 Dick Grayson had died. He was a brother to Y/N and Damian, an idol to them too, and a son to Bruce Wayne. It had been nearly a day since Dick died. They had left Arkham, Superman took all the inmates, and let Batman and Robin leave with Nightwing's body. Harley had gotten away without being found.

Y/N stood in the dark of night over Dick's grave. Reading it over and over again.

"Richard John Grayson, son, brother, an inspiration to those around him. 1988-2013"

The teen stood above the grave. A light rain began to drizzle down upon him, he didn't have an umbrella, just a hoodie covering his normal clothes.

"Why did it have to be you Dick? You never did anything wrong, you deserve to be alive." said Y/N as his eyes began to water. The rain began to get heavier, the light drizzle disappearing, and being replaced with heavier rain.

He fell to his knees and hugged the grave. It was cold, damp, and uncomfortable, but he didn't care, it was the closest he could get hugging his brother again. The rain began to pour down on the teen.

"Dammit Dick, why did you have to die." cried Y/N as the rain poured down on him.

Suddenly the rain pouring down upon him stopped, he could hear it pattering on an umbrella above him. Y/N looked up from the grave, Selina Kyle, The Catwoman, stood holding an umbrella above him.

"We should go inside, you're going to catch a cold." she told him, he could see the sad look in her eyes as she tried to care for him, she was like the mother of the family, always there to care for them.

Selina held her hand out to him, Y/N grabbed her hand, and she helped him off the ground.

"Thanks." said Y/N as he stood next to her under the umbrella, he was taller than her, being 5'10 while she was only 5'8.

"Kid, you can't punish yourself over this." said Selina as she hugged him, ignoring the fact he was damp from the rain. Y/N was quick to hug her back. He needed the warmth of someone.

"Who told you about Dick?" asked Y/N, pulling away from the hug

"Superman, he caught me after one of my little robberies, and told me about it. I came over here to check on you guys." explained Selina "Where is everyone else?"

"Alfred's in the manor, Bruce is in the cave, Damian went with Superman, I haven't heard from Barbara, but I doubt she's taking this well." explained Y/N.

Selina sighed, and broke eye contact with him, like it was sad to look into his eyes.

"Let's go inside, it's storming." said Selina as they left the cemetery outside the manor.

The two entered the manor, it was seemingly empty, all the lights were off, almost abandoned looking. They walked along the halls till coming across one of the doorways.

"Alfred?" asked Y/N as they found the man sitting in a chair, holding a half drunk bottle of vodka, looking at pictures of the family.

"Y/N, Miss Kyle, I'm sorry I'll go fetch some tea I-" he stumbled as he tried to get out of his chair

"No, sit down. I'll be looking after you for a change." said Selina as she guided him back to the chair.

Alfred sighed, "Thank you Miss Kyle." he said as he laid back into his chair. "Master Bruce is in the cave, he isn't in the mood to be spoken to."

"That's why I'm here Alfred, I'll make sure he will be okay," said Selina.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with all this." says Y/N as he and Selina make their way to the entrance to the cave.

"Y/N, it's okay. I want to help." replies Selina as she fiddled with the grandfather clock till the door to the Batcave opened. "I'll go talk to Bruce, hopefully we'll be back up soon."

"Alright, you kids don't be too long, no hanky panky in the cave." Joked Y/N.

Selina chuckled, clearly happy to see Y/N lightening up some.

"You're funny, kid." she said as she kissed him on his cheek.

Y/N turned red, and before he could react the door closed, and Selina was on her way to see Bruce.

Selina let out a quiet sigh, she was at the top of the Batcave's staircase. She had a small smile thinking about how she kissed Robin on the cheek, she loved messing with the kids, but she couldn't deny that she certainly saw something in him that she didn't see in the other kids, he was just one of those people you get drawn to, like a drug. Maybe she had just sent herself down a path by giving him a kiss on his cheek. But more important matters were at hand, she couldn't distract herself forever. She knew Bruce wasn't gonna be in good shape.

She descended down the staircase till Bruce came into view, he was in his armor, a large log stood sturdy and centered in the middle of the room, bandages wrapped around it's center, and Bruce was punching it as hard as he could.

"Bruce!" said Selina as she ran down the stairs and to Bruce, grabbing onto his arms as soon as she could. "Bruce stop."

The tall man turned towards her with his head low, his eyes were bloodshot, his fists were bloody and bruised, and the bandages around the log were bloodier. Selina pulled the mask off his face. His eyes shut, and he was tense.

"It's okay, let it go, just for today, you can fall apart, Bruce, I'll hold you together." She said as she cradled the broken man.

She understood what he felt, she'd known Dick since he was twelve, back when he had only been Robin for a few months. When he was a young daredevil, to when he was a rebellious teen, to when he finally found his path with Nightwing, when he became his own man, and to see that man die, that promising young man who you thought could do anything, that you looked to when you need someone to inspire the best in you. She, Alfred, Y/N, they understand what this loss meant.

Rest in Peace Dick Grayson

You were, and forever will be, the best of us.

 Catwoman stayed in the manor for the day, she was with Bruce for a good half hour before they both returned from the cave. Alfred made them all tea before he went to bed for the night. Bruce, Selina, and Y/N shared stories about Dick, for now the grief was distant, and they could think of all the good memories. Bruce and Selina supplied stories from when Dick was Robin, about how excited he was for his first mission, his crush on Batgirl, when he became Nightwing, Y/N told his story about how he and Dick fought Killer Croc in the sewers one day. Bruce told a story about Dick and Jason, sad to think they're both gone now. Y/N never met Jason, he'd been dead for nearly a year by the time he met Bruce. He would be 20 now though. Eventually they all fell asleep crammed together on the couch watching TV.

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