The Beginning

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Ring! Ring! 

The sound of his alarm clock ringing awoke Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town.

'Ugh! I'm late!' Ash exclaimed, jolting up.

Ash looked around, checking if his dream was real. It wasn't. His Voltorb alarm clock was still on his desk, buzzing rapidly; his bed was still by the corner, and his television still stood in front of him.

'Alright!' Ash cheered. 'Today is the day I'll become a Pokemon trainer! For real!'

The young boy had been dreaming about becoming a Pokemon trainer since he was 5 years old, and today would be the day when he received his Kanto starter Pokemon. Ash didn't change the night before, wanting to be ready for the day that he became a trainer. Ash quickly jumped off his bed, putting on his cap.

'What Pokemon will I pick...' The boy thought, as he leaped down his stairs and hurried off to Professor Oak's lab.


The white walls of Professor Oak's lab gleamed. Ash made his way into the room the Professor was in, ready to get his Pokemon. Three other children stood next to Ash, holding their own sparkling Pokeball.

A desk sat next to the Pokeball Stands, a few Pokeballs and a Pokedex placed on the desk. Professor Oak stood in front of the empty Pokeball Stands.

'Hi Professor! Can I have my Pokemon? And what Pokemon am I getting?' Ash asked eagerly, a cheerful look on his face.

'Oh, hey Ash!' Professor Oak said.

'So, do I get to pick between Squirtle, Bulbasaur, or Charmander? Or do you already have a Pokemon for me?' Ash added, excited that he would become a Trainer.

'I'm so very sorry, but our lab doesn't have any more starters.' Oak said sadly.

The Professor knew that Ash wasn't up to the task of taming the wild Pikachu he had caught the day before, as it zapped anyone it wasn't familiar with.

'You... don't... have... any.... starters... left...?' Ash said, his heart slowly cracking.

'I'm very very sorry, but we don't have any starters left. Come back another day.' Professor Oak said.

Ash was devastated. Looking at the ground, Ash started crying. A heartbroken look made its way onto Ash Ketchum's face, tears rolling down his cheeks.

'Hohoho, Ashy-boy, you don't even have one Pokemon.' Gary taunted. 'You'll never become a Pokemon Master.'

Ash ran out of the lab angrily.

'I'll show you.' Ash thought. 'That I can become a Pokemon Master without you.'


Ash didn't turn back and stormed off, leaving the Professor with the 3 new Trainers and a lab assistant in the room.

Little did they know, a formidable Trainer was watching, and he was about to recruit Ash to his cause.


'Are you positive.' A shadowy figure said to his subordinate.

'Yes. The boy has a lot of potential, and we need agents in the Pokemon League.' The subordinate said.

'Very well. I trust your judgement. Go and recruit him, but show him how strong we are. Also, go to the Pallet Town warehouse and fetch a Pokemon. He needs a Pokemon to become strong.' The figure said.

'Understood, boss.' The caller said to the figure. 'All hail Team Rocket.'

The call ended, as the caller pressed the button on a Pokeball. An Aerodactyl emerged, as the man climbed on.

'To the Pallet Town Base.' The man said, as he rode off on his Pokemon.


Ash sulked, trudging along the roads of Pallet Town.

'I can't get a Pokemon.' Ash said sadly. 'I can't become a Pokemon Master.'

Ash continued walking, his hands in his pocket. The blue jacket didn't look that shiny anymore, and Ash's red cap dulled in colour.

'I wish I could get a Pokemon.' Ash thought. 'Any would be fine, even a Rattata or Pidgey.'

Ash kicked a tiny pebble in front of him forward. The pebble soared through the air as it hit a hive on a tree. Suddenly, a swarm of Beedrill flew out the hive on the tree, ready to sting Ash with Twineedle and Poison Jab!

'Flamethrower!' A man roared, his Houndoom landing on the ground.

Quickly firing a burst of fire, the Houndoom howled. The Beedrill retreated, some of them burned by the fire.

'Thank you!' Ash exclaimed.

An Aerodactyl landed, as the trainer of the Houndoom leaped off the Flying Type Pokemon.

'Thank you a whole lot!' Ash said. 'I would have been hit if it wasn't for your Houndoom!'

The trainer retracted his Houndoom and Aerodactyl.

'It's ok. Call me Archer.' The man said, smiling. 'I know you have been denied a chance to become a Pokemon Trainer. I would like to offer you one.'

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