Mount Moon Mission

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Ash and Archer walked away from Pewter City into Route 3.

'Ash, the Rockets on Mount Moon need assistance. The boss has ordered us to head there immediately.' Archer told Ash. 'If we carry out the mission successfully, the boss will give you a Pokemon from his Gym.'

'Alright!' Ash said. 'Let's go and do this!'

'The boss also says that he's sending 2 ascending agents who are improving rapidly for support.' Archer said. 'The operatives assigned to the mission, Biff, Cassidy, and some grunts, as well as a fellow executive, Proton, are incapable of handling this.'

'Ok! So, are we waiting for them, or meeting them?' Ash asked. 'Because we're heading towards the forests near Mount Moon, I'm guessing we're meeting them there.'

'Right.' Archer said. 'Let's speed up and get there!'


After a short while, Archer and Ash arrived at an abandoned house in the middle of the forests surrounding Mount Moon. Ash groaned, tired of waiting.

'Are they here yet?' Ash asked.

Suddenly, a Meowth-shaped hot air balloon drifted down, and a blue-haired male and a purple-haired female jumped off, followed by a Meowth and a Wobbuffet.

'Prepare for trouble!'

'And make it double!'

'To protect the world from devastation!'

'To unite all people within our nation.'

'To denounce the evils of truth and love.'

'To extend our reach to the stars above.'



'Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!'

'Surrender now, or prepare for a fight!'

'Meowth, that's right!'


The team of Team Rocket agents chanted, posing at the end.

'Ah, Jessie, James, Meowth, I see you made it.' Archer said. 'We're here to pick up Butch, Cassidy, and Proton's slack.'

'Yes, yes.' Jessie said.

'Shall we go?' James asked.

Archer nodded, then pointed to Ash. 'Guys, this is Ash, a promising recruit that I recruited into Team Rocket. Right now he's an agent, so show him the ropes when we're there. Ash, this is Jessie and her partner Wobbuffet, James, and Meowth.'

'Nice to meet you.' Ash said.

'Why do I feel like in another world we keep on trying to steal your Pikachu?' Jessie asked, shaking Ash's hand.

'I don't have a Pikachu.' Ash said.


Jessie and James made a skeptical look, before reverting back to their usual personalities.

'Anyways, nice to meet you Agent Ash.' Jessie and James said, taking Ash's handshake.

'C'mon, let's go.' Archer said, climbing onto his Aerodactyl. 'Grab on, Ash.'

Ash lifted his body onto Archer's Aerodactyl, while Jessie, James, Wobbuffet, and Meowth entered their balloon.

'Time to go!' Ash cheered, as they flew towards Mount Moon.


Aerodactyl landed at the entrance of Mount Silver, Archer and Ash leaping off.

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