Archer's New Pokemon / Bagon: The New Teammate

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'Let's check your Pokemon's moveset.' Archer said, Ash nodding.

'Sure!' Ash cheered, holding up his Pokeballs and releasing his Pokemon. 'Let's go, Deino and Chimchar!'

'Now, hold up your Pokedex and select the Moveset function.' Archer said

'Ok!' Ash said, his Pokedex scanning his two Pokemon.

'This Chimchar knows Ember, Scratch, Leer, and Taunt. He is currently at Level 12.' The Pokedex announced. 'This Deino knows Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite, Headbutt, and Focus Shield, an Improvised Move. He is currently at Level 15.'

'Awesome!' Ash said excitedly. 'What do you say, want to catch a new Pokemon?'

'Deino!' Deino cheered in agreement.

'Chimchar!' Chimchar said, joining in.

'Alright!' Ash said.

'Wait up.' Archer said. 'I have a mission for you. Steal at least two powerful Pokemon on the way to Pewter City Gym.'

'Ok!' Ash said, remembering his agreement with Archer earlier. 'Let's go!'


Ash walked into a clearing, where a samurai boy was holding three Pokeballs.

'Anyone want to challenge me, the great and awesome Samurai!' The boy said cockily.

Ash quickly took out his black hoodie and draped it over his head, stopping the boy from seeing his face.

'I do.' Ash said in a deep voice.

'Alright. It's gonna be a double battle!' The samurai boy said. 'Go, Pinsir!'

A Pinsir appeared, brandishing its horns.

'Pinsir.' It said, ready for a battle.

'Go Metapod!' The Samurai threw out another Pokeball.

A Metapod materialised, ready to fight.

'Now, go Deino, Chimchar!' Ash called out his two Pokemon, and prepared for a fight. 'Alright, Deino, use Dragon Rage, then Headbutt on Pinsir! Chimchar, use Leer at Pinsir, then Ember at Metapod!'

Ash's Chimchar lowered Pinsir's defences, as Deino released a huge shockwave. Deino then immediately charged at Pinsir, slamming it into the ground. Chimchar breathed out a barrage of small fireballs, scorching Metapod.

'Pinsir, use Tackle!' Samurai ordered, as his Pinsir rammed into Deino.

'Focus Shield, then leap forward and Bite!' Ash commanded, his Deino quickly creating a shield out of Focus Energy.

The Pinsir's attack hit the shield, as Deino lunged and bit Pinsir.

'Now, use Headbutt!' Ash told his Deino.

Deino slammed into Pinsir, knocking him unconscious.

'NO FAIR!' The samurai complained. 'Metapod, use Harden!'

'Chimchar, use Scratch and then Ember, and Deino, use Headbutt!' Ash's Pokemon followed Ash's orders, quickly eliminating Metapod.

'Grrrr...' Samurai growled. 'YOU USELESS POKEMON! HOW COULD YOU LOSE!'

'These Pokemon don't deserve a terrible trainer like him.' Ash thought.

'Let me inspect your Pokeballs.' Ash said, as the Samurai angrily handed him the Pokeballs.

Ash swiftly returned his Pokemon and strapped the Pokeballs to his belt, grabbing the Pokeballs. Suddenly, Ash bolted away, with the Pokeballs!



Archer smiled, as Ash handed him the 3 Pokeballs.

'Here.' Ash said. 'I know that one of them is a Pinsir, and the other is a Metapod. The third I don't know.'

Archer released the 3 Pokemon, a Pinsir, Metapod, and a mysterious Pokemon emerging. Ash held up his Pokedex, scanning the unknown Pokemon.

'Pawniard, the Sharp Blade Pokemon. Pawniard travel in groups, with a Bisharp as their leader. They constantly sharpen their arm blades.' The Pokedex recited.

'Good job.' Archer said. 'I'll bring the Pinsir and Metapod back to Base. I'm keeping the Pawniard.'

'Ok.' Ash said.

A blue light enveloped Pawniard, as its features began changing!

'It's evolving into Bisharp!' Archer exclaimed.

Pawniard's blades sharpened and extended, as its body grew taller. The blue light finally stopped, as a Bisharp stood in place of the Pawniard. Archer threw the Pokeball at Bisharp.

One click. Two clicks. Three clicks. Click!

The Pokeball spun. Archer had caught the Bisharp.

'Alright.' Archer said. 'Now that I caught this stolen Bisharp, let's find you a Pokemon to catch.


Ash walked around the clearing with Archer and his two Pokemon, Deino and Chimchar. The 10 year old was searching for a new Pokemon to catch. He had already found a Caterpie, Rattata, and Pidgey, but they were too common, and he could catch one any day.

'What's that?' Ash asked curiously, pointing at a stubborn Pokemon who was banging his rock hard head on a wall.

Raising his Pokedex, Ash scanned the Pokemon.

'Bagon, the Rock Head Pokemon. Bagon dreams of flying, but cannot. Bagon jumps off cliffs in hopes to fly, always falling down. This results in Bagon's hard head. Because he is frustrated about not having wings, Bagon regularly smashes stuff.' The Pokedex informed Ash.

'Awesome!' Ash exclaimed. 'I want to catch one! Go Deino!'

'Deino!' The Irate Pokemon said.

'Get ready! Use Focus Energy! Then shape the Focus Energy into a sword, and slash at Bagon! I'll call it Focus Sword!' Ash commanded.

Deino obeyed Ash and slashed at Bagon using concentrated Focus Energy, Bagon meeting the attack head on. Bagon shot out an Ember, firing out small fireballs. Deino was burnt, as Ash returned Deino.

'Now, go Chimchar and use Leer!' Ash released Chimchar, the Chimp Pokemon immediately lowering Bagon's defence. 'Now, Ember!'

Chimchar returned the burning attack at Bagon, scorching the wild Pokemon's skin. Bagon roared, as it charged at Chimchar. Chimchar swivelled out of Bagon's Bite's way, not waiting for instructions. A clean Scratch was delivered towards Bagon, as Ash prepared a Pokeball.

'Go Pokeball!' Ash hurled the Pokeball at Bagon, the device swirling midair.

Bagon was sucked inside, as the Pokeball rotated.

One click. Two click. Three clicks. Click!

The Pokeball stopped spinning, a grin on Ash's face.

'I caught a Bagon! Hooray!' Ash celebrated.

Returning Chimchar, Ash pumped the air at his success in catching a Pokemon.

'This kid. He's going to be something special one day.' Archer thought, marvelling at Ash's potential. 'I chose well. Very well.'

Ash's Pokedex clicked, updating Ash's data. The young trainer didn't know it, but with time and practice, he would be a force to be reckoned with. Ash from Team Rocket. Archer liked the sound of that.

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