A Powerful Starter Pokemon

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'You want to give me a Pokemon?' Ash asked, surprised.

'Yes.' Archer said. 'On one condition.'

'What is it?' Ash asked eagerly.

'You join the organisation I'm in. It's called Team Rocket.' Archer said. 'We steal Pokemon and other things from people. Don't worry about your Pokemon, we don't steal Pokemon from fellow members of the gang. You just have to accept the offer, and we shake hands.'

'Of course.' Ash said, excited for a Pokemon.

Ash locked hands with Archer, and they shook hands.

'Welcome to Team Rocket!' Archer exclaimed excitedly. 'Here's your new starter Pokemon!'

Archer threw Ash a Pokeball. Ash quickly opened the Pokeball, revealing a Deino.

'Your starter will be a male Deino. He knows Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, and Bite.' Archer said.

'Thanks a whole lot!' Ash cheered. 'Deino, I'm gonna be your new trainer, and we'll be the best of friends! Welcome to my team!'

'Deino!' Deino cheered.

'Anyways, let's start your journey.' Archer told Ash. 'I'll follow you to a few cities before leaving.'

'Sure!' Ash said. 'Come on Deino, let's go!'

Deino was sucked back into the Pokeball, as Ash and Archer started walking.

'Anyways, why do you want me to be in Team Rocket?' Ash asked curiously.

'We need some agents that are good at battling. Many of our elites our actually weak.' Archer said. 'I see that you have enormous potential. That's why I told the boss to recruit you.'

'You mean you're not the boss?' Ash asked.

'Yes. I'm just one of the highest ranking agents in Team Rocket. The boss is a very powerful Gym Leader.' Archer said. 'Unfortunately, the boss doesn't like people to know his identity, so I cannot tell you.'

'Aw.' Ash moaned. 'Never mind!'

'So, why don't we head to Viridian City now, going through Route 1?' Archer suggested.

'Sure!' Ash declared. 'It's time for me to become a Pokemon Trainer!'

The two members of Team Rocket walked on Route 1, heading towards Viridian City. Spearow soared above, flying together across the Route.

'Let's go.' Archer said, the two people continuing on their path.


'Where is Ash?' Oak asked, having asked Ash's mother about his whereabouts.

Delia Ketchum had answered with a simple "he had set off on his journey", so Oak was puzzled. The Professor had obtained a Starter Pokemon from another region and wanted to give it to Ash.

'You! Go check Viridian City for Ash Ketchum, and give him his Pokedex, the Starter, and the Pokeballs.' Oak ordered his lab assistant.

'Understood, Professor!' The lab assistant said, as he released an Noivern and took the items. 'Let's go, Noivern!'

Noivern flapped its wings as it flew off towards Viridian City.

'I hope that Ash isn't mad at me.' Oak thought as he re-entered his lab.


Ash and Archer smiled. They had arrived at Viridian City, and Ash was ready to battle.

'Look! There's a Pokemon Battle over there!' Ash noticed, before running over to spectate a battle.

'Alright! Lycanroc, use Stone Edge!' A trainer shouted, as his Alola Pokemon stomped the ground and created sharp spikes.

'Woah, what's that Pokemon?' Ash asked.

Archer held up his box, as the screen flickered to life.

'Lycanroc, the Wolf Pokemon. This Lycanroc is a Midnight Lycanroc. Lycanroc are native to the Alola Region.' The Pokedex read out.

'Cool!' Ash exclaimed. 'I want to challenge him soon!'

'Cross from Alola wins the battle against Chris from Kanto!' A spectator said, as Cross wore a cocky grin on his face.

'Grr...' Ash growled.

'I'll be here again tomorrow morning at 8, see you then! I'm bored.' Cross said, yawning as he walked away.

'Anyways Ash, since you don't have a Pokedex, let's go to the Pokemon Centre and check up on your Deino and see its power levels.' Archer said.

'Sure!' Ash exclaimed, as he followed Archer to the Viridian City Pokemon Centre.


Ash and Archer entered the Pokemon Centre.

'Hello, what can I do for you?' Nurse Joy asked, her Chansey standing next to her.

'Can you check up on my Deino please?' Ash asked. 'And can I book a room for 1 for a night?'

'Sure!' Nurse Joy said. 'Scan your Pokedex here.'

'But I don't have a Pokedex yet.' Ash said. 'I got this Deino as a gift.'

'Very well.' Nurse Joy said. 'Can the man behind you book the room for you?'

'Sure.' Archer said.

The Team Rocket Elite scanned his Pokedex, as Nurse Joy lead them in.

'Here's your room, mister.' She said. 'Now, show me that Deino.'

Ash released his Deino, as the Nurse brought it to check up.


A while had passed, and Nurse Joy knocked on Ash's door.

'Come in!' Ash called, as Nurse Joy entered the room with Ash's Deino in hand. 'Deino!'

'Deino!' Ash's Pokemon exclaimed, as it leapt into Ash's arms.

'Welcome back!' Ash welcomed, as he put Deino back in his Pokeball.

'Oh yeah. Ash, someone wants to see you.' Nurse Joy said.

'Sure!' Ash smiled, pocketing his Pokeball. 'Let's go!'

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