Chapter 3

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Wowww. My previous chapter ending is very dull and boring lol. Hope yall don't mine. I try to make it as interesting as possible 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️. Ok here we go

No one's pov
Skye had another dream when she took a nap. This time it wasn't like last night's dream, it's more of a happy+sad dream.

Skye's dream
Skye's thought: No one never likes me. I don't even know if they think I'm alive.
Just then Marshall came by.
Skye noticed Marshall and start freaking out.
Skye's thought: Oh no, this is not good. I bet he's trying to slap me in the face like what Everest did. I pretended to be busy.
Marshall: Oh hey Skye.
Skye: Oh.........h-h-hey M-Marshall.
Skye was trying to protect herself from being beat up.
Marshall: Huh? Why are you in this position?
Skye: B-B-but I thought y-you want to s-slap me?
Marshall: Slap you? Of course not. Why would you say that?
Skye started crying.
Marshall: Hey hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?
Skye: (sniff) B-because Everest said (sniff) y-you hate m-me and (sniff) she slap me saying that no one would ever like a pup like me because she knew I liked you. She also said that I'm super annoying.
Skye started crying more and more. Marshall's heart was broken. Even though he doesn't like Skye, that does not mean that he has to agree with Everest.
Marshall: Skye, its ok. I don't like you in a romantic way but I do for Everest. I can't agree the fact that she really slapped you for liking me. That's not the way.
Everest was trying to find Marshall and found him with Skye. She was furious.
Marshall: EVEREST!!!!
Everest: Why are you angry Marshy? I'm just trying to not let any pup ruin our relationship.
Marshall: What you did is very wrong! She said you slapped her and called her annoying. May you please explain that?
Everest: I-
Skye: It's ok Everest. I know you love Marshall very much. I'm sorry, I'll leave.
Marshall grabbed her paw.
Marshall: Everest, look what you did! Because of you, she thinks she's worthless!! Why would you do that in the first place?
Everest: I-I don't want anyone to ruin our sweet relationship and shes trying to take you away from me.
Marshall: Everest, what's into these days? She's my friend, forever. I love you, forever and ever. Just remember that ok? She is my best friend. Why can't I even talk to her nicely?
Marshall is cooling down.
Everest is realising what she did wrong and apologised to Skye and Marshall.
Everest: Marshall dear, I'm sorry. I should've have yelled and slapped Skye. Skye, you're my best friend, I'm very sorry. I should've have said those mean things to you. I'm just being selfish because I love Marshall too much until I've overreacted.
Skye: It's ok Everest. You will always be my bestie. I hope you would not do such a thing again.
Everest: Thanks Skye, I won't.
Everest and Marshall walked off.
Skye's thought: I still love Marshall. But I can't take him away from my bestie. I guess I'll have to let it go.

End of dream.

Skye's pov
Ugh. Another dream again. What time is it now? (gasps) it's already 1 pm! Have I slept that long? Well the dream was pretty long though, at least is not a nightmare like last night.

Rocky's pov
I saw Skye coming out of her pup house. Why is she up so late? I bet she tired, poor Skye. She's not tired now so I guess I'll try to ask her out. But I'll have to get ready for what she says.

Skye's pov
I saw Rocky coming towards me. He looked like he wanted to ask me something.
Rocky: Hey Skye!
Skye: Hey Rocky. What brings you here?
Rocky: I have to tell you something.
Skye: Ok, go ahead.
Rocky: Skye, when I first saw you I didn't think much. But as we moved on I realised I started liking you. Right now, Skye, I like you. Would you go out on a date with me?
I was shocked. I'm stuck. Chase already liked me and now Rocky? I don't even know does Marshall like me. It's so hard.
Skye: Rocky?
Rocky: Is there something wrong?
Skye: I'm stuck at this love problem now. I don't think I can go out with you. I need some time to think.
Rocky: Oh, ok.
Rocky walked away sadly. I feel very bad for him. I just can't do anything right now.

Rocky's pov
I can't believe I got rejected! I thought it was a dream but no. I tried slapping myself and it was not a dream. Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong.

No one's pov
Rocky said before that he has to control himself and be okay with what Skye says. Now he is turning into beast mode.

Rocky: If I find out whoever likes Skye, he's gonna pay for it (evil laugh).
Little does he know that Ryder passed by his puphouse and heard all of it.

Ryder's thought: Why would Rocky do this? I know Skye rejected him but he can't do this to any of the pups or whoever that Skye likes.

Skye's pov
I felt bad for rejecting Rocky. But why is love so complicated? Just then I walk past him
Skye: Hey Rocky.
I'm trying to be as normal as possible.
Rocky: ...
Skye: Rocky? Why aren't you talking to me?
Rocky: ...
Skye: Rocky? Please talk to me.
Rocky: Oh yeah, why aint I talking to you? It's not like you care about me or anything.
Skye: Wh-what are you talking about? Why wouldn't I care about you?
Rocky: You rejected me! It hurts me a lot. Do you ever feel when you live someone so much and got rejected?
Skye: But Rocky.......never mind. I just know that even I rejected you we are still friends.
Rocky: Save it! You hurt me too much. I'm gonna find out whoever you like and deal with him.

Skye's thought: Oh no, not Marshall. He walked away angrily. I don't even know what to say now. I thought he would accept the fact that I don't like him (sighs).

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